Forum Discussion

Frank_30530's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Feb 09, 2018

HTTP::path -normalized (TMOS 13) issue?

According to the Wiki,

HTTP::path -normalized
should do:

the normalization involves lower-casing, removing unnecessary directory traversals, convert from microsoft style %uxxxx form to the standard %xx hex form, bytes not allowed in a uri are normalised to their percent-encoded representation, bytes percent-encoded when they don't need to be are changed to their normal representation

My experience (TMOS 13.1) is that:

  • conversion to lower case does not work at all!
  • "%2E%2E"
    is converted to
  • "/foo/../bar"
    is converted to

However (FAIL):

  • "/foo/%2E%2E/bar"
    is (only) converted to

It seems that directory traversal normalization is (incorrectly) performed before %-normalization. I would expect to first do %-normalization and then normalize directory traversal...

So, in order to perform normalization correctly, I need to do this (I need to retain the original URI in the request to the pool member):

  set origPath [HTTP::path]
  set normPath [string tolower [HTTP::path -normalized]]
  HTTP::path $normPath
  set normPath [HTTP::path -normalized]
  HTTP::path $origPath
  log local0. "Path  : \"$origPath\" --> \"$normPath\""

I would have expected to do this, though:

  set normPath [HTTP::path -normalized]
  log local0. "Path  : \"[HTTP::path]\" --> \"$normPath\""

Is there a more elegant way to perform normalization on the URI/PATH?

And can this be fixed, please?

4 Replies

  • JG's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    Apparently the system goes through one pass only, and 2 passes seem to be good enough for your situation.


    It would be better for the system to use a loop, and break out if the output is equal to the input.


    You might want to open a support case so that F5 developers are aware of this issue.


  • As an addendum to the response from Jie


    The canonical word on the operations of normalize are


    1) The case of scheme is normalized to lower-case.


    2) The hostname is normalized to lower-case. A possible trailing '.' is removed from the hostname.


    3) IP addresses are normalized. There are many ways to write an IP address (v4 and v6). These are cannonicalized to a normal form.


    4) Ports are normalized. Unnecessary port annotations (like :80 on a http request) are removed.


    5) Paths are normalized, with extra unneeded directory traversals removed.


    6) Percent-encoding normalization. Bytes not allowed in a uri are normalized to their percent-encoded representation. Bytes percent-encoded when they don't need to be are changed to their normal representation. We convert from microsoft style %uxxxx form to the standard %xx hex form.


    7) Fragment specifiers are removed.


    So - HTTP::uri/HTTP::path -normalize should not change the case of a URI.


    The documentation for HTTP::uri is probably clearer.


  • I got confirmation by F5 support that lower-casing is not intended (and not performed) and the Wiki documentation (HTTP::path -normalize) is in error.


    I also got a bug-id concerning the order of "directory traversal normalization" and "%-normalization.":


    bug ID708068 (HTTP: normalize directory traversal after percent-encoding)


    I have requested to add this to the known issues section of the Wiki (HTTP::path).


    • JG's avatar
      Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

      Thanks for reporting back.