Forum Discussion

Jorjjj's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 03, 2018

HTTPS Monitor with POST request

Hello all i have a pool containing 4 members from 2 physical nodes on 2 different ports: Ex:


I need to create a new HTTPS Monitor to check the health of each pool members (All have the same URI to for the same Application)


The Dev Team provided us with the following Health Check Request for a Login request:


When i do a "Curl -k (URL)" of the above link, I can see that the page loads properly on the CLI and i receive a "200 OK" response, which I am using as a "receive string" value for now.


When I try to do the same in the HTTPS Monitor configuration, as per the following two tests, it was not working at all, Monitor stays down


Test 1: (HTTP 1.1)


GET /R13-Live/servlet/BrowserServlet?&method=POST&command=login&signOnName=INPUTT&password=123456&requestType=CREATE.SESSION&counter=0 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: app.test\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n


Test 2: (HTTP 1.0)


GET /R13-Live/servlet/BrowserServlet?&method=POST&command=login&signOnName=INPUTT&password=123456&requestType=CREATE.SESSION&counter=0\r\n


Working Test:


when i try only the Main URL Part, it is working:


GET /R13-Live/servlet/BrowserServlet\r\n


How should i create my Send Request with the provided Link, as i think the POST method in it is creating the issue






  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    First off, I thought you said you needed to do a POST...


    You're explicitly doing a GET all 3 times with an HTTP parameter method=POST (Which is not the same as actually doing a POST)


  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    What's the whole curl command you're using?


    Hint. Do a curl, include the -v (verbose) flag and then check the output of what it's sending against what you're sending.


  • NAG_65570's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    I have tested it::


    On GUI:: Local Traffic ›› Monitors ›› test


    Send String::


    GET /R13-Live/servlet/BrowserServlet?&method=POST&command=login&signOnName=INPUTT&password=123456&requestType=CREATE.SESSION&counter=0 HTTP/1.1\r\nUser-Agent:BigIP\r\nHost:\r\nAccept: /\r\n\r


    In packet captures, I see request going out to server::


    GET /R13-Live/servlet/BrowserServlet?&method=POST&command=login&signOnName=INPUTT&password=123456&requestType=CREATE.SESSION&counter=0 HTTP/1.1






    Accept: /


    Now Its up-to Server what response it can generate.