Forum Discussion

Christian_15126's avatar
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Mar 07, 2014

iControl LTM network map/f5 status GUI web page?



The company I work for currently relies on a homegrown Linux app that queries SNMP MIB's and compiles them somehow into a java based GUI web page (effectively emulating the f5 network map if you log in).


Well we upgraded to 11.2.1 on one of our LTM pairs in production, did DR testing today, and discovered that all the SNMP MIBs were updated in 11.2.0 effectively breaking our internal f5 status page..


Does anyone have any pre-built PHP/powershell/whatever code built that A) inputs all the data the network map has and most importantly B) builds it into a webpage similarly to the network map when you log in (all GUI with green/red/black symbols for VS/pool/node status)?


We need to get off SNMP and migrate to iControl, but outputting data to a terminal shell will not help the NOC or any of our ops guys seeking a centralized/visual representation of the f5 LTM's VS/pool/node health.


Any help would be appreciated. Thx!


5 Replies

  • Hi Christian Glad you liked it. If you can think of any new features that you want in the BigIp report, please go ahead and let me know. Already working on a new version.


    Except for irules, what is missing?




  • Hi again


    What about this one:




  • Hello, I appreciate the response but the issue with both these scripts is they present the network map data in code format rather then in GUI format. The goal is to create a network map that anyone can access (via a web page to view the same info as on the f5 network map page without having to log into the f5 with any credentials). I'm sure there's a way to convert the output from either of these scripts to a webpage but I don't know how. Thanks again for the reply though!




  • Hi!


    Check out this one:


    Or this one:


    More thing like this in the code share:


    Good luck!




  • And I'm not tied to any particular programming language (as I know relatively none..). I was thinking something light we can put on either an apache or IIS webserver as the front end (maybe PHP or .net)? The goal is to create an f5 LTM status page the NOC, IT Ops, network engineers, or anyone else can simple check by hitting a web browser (without having to log into the f5 to do it..).