Forum Discussion

David_Oertli_18's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 20, 2016

iRule Help selecting pool and SNAT_pool for specific URI's

We have an existing virutal server that we are trying to redirect traffic to different pools based on the URI requested. The iRule I have set up is below. The problem is that whenever a request for /...
  • AJ_01_135899's avatar
    Apr 20, 2016

    Couple questions/comments:


    1. Are you sure the correct SNAT pool is selecting? It looks like you're doing a tolower on the string, but then defining a mixed-case switch statement. Are any errors showing up in /var/log/ltm? 2. ProxyPass might be overkill for this, but it does cover all of your needs here... (do a DevCentral search for ProxyPass)