Forum Discussion

3 Replies

  • If you are referring to an APM access profile (policy), then there should be a way to export it from the Access Profile list in the GUI. From the Access Profile list, click on export to export the access policy and its customization. What version of BIG-IP are you running?


  • JG's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    When I did that on v11.6.1, it exported a file containing an error message only. I was given to understand that a customised APM access profile cannot be exported this way.


  • JG's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    We have a Citrix VDI deployment with APM created by F5's iApp that has been extensively customised. The problem we have is essentially that we have found that the iApp deployment process had a wrong IP address for the CITRIX storefront server.


    One would think that it would be easy to just change that IP address defined in the LTM virtual server either via the Configuration Utility, or by editing the bigip.conf ("unsupported"), but it is not at all clear how that virtual server is referenced by the APM.


    We were advised to start a new deployment all over again. But that would be a lot of manual work. The visual editor is great for starting something, but in my opinion a way to edit an existing APM profile as text should be available for easy maintenance of existing ones.


    Now we cannot export the profile for the purpose of viewing and comparison.


    The iApp is supposed to make things easier, but I'd prefer a fully documented manual process in this situation.