Forum Discussion

Mike_73765's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 20, 2010

issue with cookie persist irule

Hey guys, I am having an issue with an irule that I got from code share that is shown below. This irule is used on 2 virtual servers (using the same nodes, but different ports) and should be persistent between virtual servers. The user logs into the website, which is vs 1, and clicks a link that sends them to vs 2 (the same node). This works only sometimes for the users. The HTTP::response event in this irule always works, but the HTTP::request event gets numerous errors.



Here’s the error:



Aug 19 16:18:57 local/tmm err tmm[13657]: 01220001:3: TCL error: cookie - no such pool Failed Tcl_pool_GetFromObj: pool (line 6) invoked from within "active_members -list [LB::server pool]"








if { [HTTP::cookie exists "cookie"] } {


set decrypted [HTTP::cookie decrypt "cookie" "passcode"]


if { ($decrypted ne "") }


{ set persist_node [HTTP::cookie "cookie"]


foreach member [active_members -list [LB::server pool]] { <--Line that fails


set node [lindex $member 0]


if { $node eq $persist_node }


{ node $persist_node [lindex $member 1] } } }


log local0. [LB::server] } } <-- Doesn't return anything



when LB_FAILED { LB::reselect }





HTTP::cookie insert name "cookie" value [IP::remote_addr] path /


HTTP::cookie encrypt "cookie" "passcode" }




Thanks for your help,



24 Replies

  • Posted By Mike on 08/31/2010 06:27 AM


    no, i'm not using OneConnect in any of the virtual servers.



    Any other ideas to persist across virtuals, pools, and services with this configuration? I also tried a cookie hash profile, but the connection doesn't work at all.



    Can you turn OneConnect on for a bit? I'm curious to see whether that helps. If that doesn't work, or you're unable to turn it on...We can probably think of some sort of different cookie logic.
  • it looks like the same thing is happening with oneconnect enabled.
  • Added an if statement in case current_pool is null.

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
             If the cookie exists, connect to the IP specified in the cookie
            if { [HTTP::cookie exists "cookie"] } {
                    if { ([HTTP::cookie "cookie"] ne "") } {
                            set persist_node [HTTP::cookie "cookie"]
                           log local0. "persist_node is $persist_node and server pool is [LB::server pool]"
                           set current_pool [LB::server pool]
                          if { $current_pool !=""} {
                            foreach member [active_members -list $current_pool] {
                                    set node [lindex $member 0]
                                    if { $node eq $persist_node } {
                                            node $persist_node [lindex $member 1]