Live Update- ASM attack signatures
- Jun 06, 2023
If you install the attack signatures " .im " update file , all added signatures will not be removed , as it has been installed and added under it's appropriate set , I want to say also that the newly added attack signatures applied to asm policies if you attaching it's set of signatures under specific policy ( it differs from one to another depending on the attack signature settings " it will be statging for a while ( Readness period ) or enforced directly to the ASM policy "
but if you removed it before installion it wouldn't be added because you haven't install it.
>> For Free Space :
I believe that Attack signature files not that large file really , it's in range 1 MB , small file size.
if you encounter issues with disk space, you can try these command to see what are files that consumes your space :
on bash :
#df -h
#find <dir> -xdev -type f -exec du {} \; | sort -rn | head -20
example : find /shared/ -xdev -type f -exec du {} \; | sort -rn | head -20 >>> For more details to maintain your disk space.
I hope this helps you