Forum Discussion

Muhammad_Irfan1's avatar
Nov 09, 2014

Load balancing of web server of siebel with IDM installed

I am load balancing for Siebel application but i am only load balancing for siebel web servers. Web servers are working on port 7777 so added web servers as pool members with port 7777. And Virtual server with port 80 and port translation was enable but only login page was shown and home page of siebel was not displaying. Then i changed the port of VS to 7777 then home page also start displaying.


There is IDM solution installed now which intercept the request of siebel and send it to OAM and LDAP. But first request lands on webserver 7777 then it intercepts it. But the page of IDM is shown when i bypass the F5 but using VS of F5 the url changes to IDM url but page is not displaying.


Please help


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