Forum Discussion

kyn3s_53106's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 03, 2010

Loadbalancing URI on same server ?

Hello folks !

I have an unusual request to submit to your skills. I have two web servers running a proprietary solution. For some dark reasons (process loadbalancing, process optimisation...), they both are running two identical websites on same port but different URI. This is as follows:

I would like the users to access each of them. So I wrote the following iRule, as I could see in another post (

I am actually unable to test this solution. So any help is appreciated. My questions are:

Would this work ?

Is there any way to optimize this ?

How about using a pool ?

And what about client-server affinity ?

Thanks again!

rule lb_URI_rule {      
      when RULE_INIT {      
      set ::lb_caisd_counter 1      
      when HTTP_REQUEST {      
      if {$::lb_caisd_counter == 1} {      
      set ::lb_caisd_counter 2      
      HTTP::redirect " "      
      elseif {$::lb_caisd_counter == 2} {      
      set ::lb_caisd_counter 3      
      HTTP::redirect " "      
      elseif {$::lb_caisd_counter == 3} {      
      set ::lb_caisd_counter 4      
      HTTP::redirect " "      
      elseif {$::lb_caisd_counter == 4} {      
      set ::lb_caisd_counter 1      
      HTTP::redirect " "      

12 Replies

  • Hi !



    Just one more question: will the statement "When HTTP_RESQUEST" match every GET request or only when the TCP session is established and not the further GET statements ?



    Trying to know if the persistence profile will work or if I have to code something into my iRule...



  • k7n3s: would it be possible to simply bind multiple instances of this app to different ports as opposed to using a path-based instance of the app? Spinning up multiple instances allows you to take advantage of native capabilities, as you know. Do you have any information as to why the application is designed this way?


