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bwilliam's avatar
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Jan 05, 2016

Lync 2013 Deployment Help

We are in the process of deploying a new Lync 2013 environment. Our setup consist of a pair of LTM's setup as an HA pair in the DMZ (no internal LTM), which has a trunk and default route pointing to the firewall interface. Using the latest iAPP for Lync 2010-2013 I followed all steps to complete the setup. Creating the Front End VIP with a pool of servers on our internal network. Then created the edge servers Access, Web Conf and A/V with VIPS using public IPs, then added 2 external pool members with public IP's on the external interface. The VIP and Pool members for the edge servers are on different external subnets. Then created the Edge servers Internal VIP with pool members sitting on the DMZ and public IP's.


We have not gone into testing phase yet, so I have not been able to test the functionality of the iAPP configuration. Before doing this I have scoured the DevCentral forums for any gotchas other folks may have had.


One of the big things I have found is pointing the edge servers to the F5 floating IP. Which I will have our server team account for.


The other was the creation of a forwarding IP VIP and this is where I am a little confused. Since my edge servers have 3 VIP's and 6 pool members on different subnets how would the forwarding VIP be created? Would I create 9 individual forwarding VIP's for each IP? Can one forwarding VIP be used with maybe an I rule, or can the forwarding VIP be created without impacting other VIPs?


All help would be greatly appreciated.




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