Forum Discussion

Jonathan_Archer's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 15, 2013

Match Radius.Class attributes

We need to compare variables in the radius class attribute that are returned via an APM radius auth. The class attribute is stored in the APM in hex so I need to convert the hex to string.


I have tried


set e_fields [split [mcget {session.radius.last.attr.class}] "|"];


set strAceServer [expr { [lindex $e_fields 0] }];


set strAceServer [binary format c* $strAceServer];


return $strAceServer;




set e_fields [split [mcget {session.radius.last.attr.class}] "|"];


foreach field $e_fields {


if ($field contains "*ace*") {


return "YES";







returns the hex


set e_fields [split [mcget {session.radius.last.attr.class}] "|"];


return [expr { [lindex $e_fields 0] }]




Any help would be appreciated to sort out the code.