Forum Discussion

Eric_Brander_27's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 03, 2012

Microsoft Security Essentials suddenly not passing FirePass AV check

I've updated to the latest HF for our FirePass but it still doesn't recognize Microsoft's free AV as a valid AV solution. This has been working for ages and suddenly stopped so I suspect it's an updated version. I'm running 4.0.1526.0. Anyone else having this problem?


11 Replies

  • CGI's avatar
    Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
    The latest on the problem with security essentials 4 (extract from a support case)



    So the new OPSWAT release dated 5-14-12 which is OPSWAT Endpoint Security Integration 3.5.1285.2 CAN detect MS Security Essentials is installed and enabled, however it cannot determine the database age. OPSWAT has advised us that it is due to how Microsoft updated recently, and that Microsoft will be releasing an upcoming update to Microsoft Security Essentials 4.x, and after that has been released, they will be able to detect the database age and will release an OPSWAT update which will be able to check how many days since the client's AV database was updated.


