Feb 09, 2011Nimbostratus
Monitor instance bigip *.*.*.*:443 UP --> DOWN from gtmd (no reply from big3d: timed out)
Both our GTM's are filling the logs with the following entries every few minutes.
Monitor instance bigip *.*.*.*:443 UP --> DOWN from gtmd (no reply from big3d: timed out)
SNMP_TRAP: VS test.co.uk-test-nat (ip:port=*.*.*.*:443) (Server BIG-IP_Pair) state change green --> red (VS test.co.uk-test-nat : Monitor bigip from gtmd : no reply from big3d: timed out)
Monitor instance bigip *.*.*.*:443 DOWN --> UP from (UP)
SNMP_TRAP: VS test.co.uk-test-nat (ip:port=*.*.*.*:443) (Server BIG-IP_Pair) state change red --> green
This is happening every few minutes.
We have tow data centres with a GTM at each site which connect in to an LTM pair in an Active - Standby set up.
I'm only seeing these logs for at one data centre.
Any ideas why this would be happening.