Forum Discussion

insert12_38638's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 04, 2013

Monitor issue.

We are on VE 11.2.1 final edition. We have a virtual server abc_433, which seems to be exhibiting strange behavior that the virtual server stop serving connections, and continues to fail until log into the web UI and click the update button on the virtual server configuration page. As soon as hit update connections process. . Pool for this VS running with gateway_icmp monitor. I have also verified through PING that round trip is very low.


Any suggestion ?


/ Insert12


3 Replies

  • Are any changes pending when you click the update button?


    Besides the ping, what else is making you think there's something wrong with the monitor? Does the problem exist when no monitor is applied?


  • I have removed monitor on the pool, unfortunately the problem is irregular therefore I will wait to see if it has any effect today. There are no info changes pending after clicking update. No config change in network. This start sudden. Looks network issue. However the ping is stable on both nodes.




    • nag_54823's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
      does the pool members are in down state when it stop responding ? any connection limit configured on members ?