Forum Discussion

Erin_B_356815's avatar
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Mar 26, 2018

MS Access VBA connection to Sharepoint through MFA/APM

I have an Access (2010, 2013, 2016) application sent to users throughout the world. This application downloads data from a Sharepoint-based ticketing system for use offline.


The Sharepoint system we use recently implemented a requirement for multi-factor authentication in order to connect using F5 Big-Ip APM. However, the MS Access prompt for credentials doesn't include the MFA argument.


Users on the company VPN can connect just fine. In order to get on the VPN, one must enter their MFA credentials, so Sharepoint uses that. However, if users aren't on the VPN (some contractors do not have access), they aren't prompted for the MFA token and cannnot connect. However, if they go directly to the Sharepoint URL, they can login via MFA just fine - but the access application doesn't recognize that MFA connection/credientials even if the Sharepoint site is open.


How can we pass MFA credentials from Microsoft Access to Sharepoint? Is there an add-in we can use to help bridge the two applications?


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