Forum Discussion

Chris_FP's avatar
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Sep 10, 2014

Multiple SNMP alerts for same "error condition" due to multiple TMM's



Our SNMP team are complaining that when a service goes down (VS, pool, pool members) that they get "flooded" with multiple duplicate SNMP alerts.


EG on a 10200 device with 12 cores (TMM's) one node going down generates 12 SNMP ne per TMM), so if a VS with a pool with 4 nodes goes down that generates 72 alerts instead of 6.


Is there anyway to prevent this from happening so you only get 1 alert?


2 Replies

  • Working with a customer here who have Netcool as their mgt station. They are encountering somewhat of a braodcast of at times) and have reduced this by actually filtering the alerts on the receiving end. Not sure if possible on your end but hope this helps.


  • R_Eastman_13667's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    You can configure an iRule to send an email when LB fails or nodes go offline. We found that the emails sent via alerts were flooding our email boxes. We came in one monday to over 40,000 emails.