Forum Discussion

JRahm's avatar
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Oct 03, 2005

Mutator LINK::qos and IP::tos syntax

WHat is the syntax to set LINK::qos and IP::tos? Also, if we are not using HTTP, what response event will work? Thanks in advance!



Instead of relying on the switch infrastructure to classify traffic, I'd rather classify it on the BigIP and just set up a trust boundary on my switches.

12 Replies

  • michoo_35134's avatar
    Historic F5 Account


    We are trying to set link qos on big-ip and nothing is working.


    Basically, we tried iRules and it does not set qos. We also have our own module that does the same but we cannot see any effect.



    Is this issue resolved?






    Michel Hanna
  • Hi michoo,



    Can you open a case with F5 Support and report back here with what they say about the IP::tos and/or VLAN::qos commands working in current LTM versions?



    Thanks, Aaron