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Mohanish_169493's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 21, 2015

Need to configure specific Cipher "AES256-SHA256" in server SSL profile



Please if someone can guide me as to how to configure specific cipher "AES256-SHA256" for server SSL profile. The server side certificate is using "AES256-SHA256" so they want it to use this. I am using version 11.4.1. Although the Default Cipher for this version supports if but still we want to force F5 to use this Cipher. Any help would be great.


5 Replies

  • openssl s_client -connect 10.x.x.x:443 -cipher AES256-SHA256
    SSL handshake has read 1244 bytes and written 489 bytes
    New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is AES256-SHA256
    Server public key is 2048 bit
    Secure Renegotiation IS supported
    Compression: NONE
    Expansion: NONE
        Protocol  : TLSv1.2
        Cipher    : AES256-SHA256

    putting that ciper in the cipher block has always worked fine for me.

  • I tested "AES256-SHA256" using openssl s_server against the end server.


    I think technically you should be using openssl s_client to simulate the BIG-IP's role in communicating with the server. The client (BIG-IP) will send a list of ciphers that it can support to the server in its initial ClientHello message, and the server will pick a cipher from that list. That's generally how it works anyway. So if the client only presents one cipher, and the server supports that cipher, then that's what they will negotiate.


  • Negating everything from the DEFAULT stack is one way to do it, but if you exclusively just want this one cipher, then you could specify it in the Cipher block of the SSL profile:


    From the command line:

    tmm --serverciphers 'AES256-SHA256'

    This should produce a single TLS1.2 cipher suite.

  • Hi Mohanish,


    If you want to configure specific cipher you have to negate everything which is above this cipher .


    You can check serverside Cipher list with tmm --serverciphers ''


    • Mohanish_169493's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Hi SynAck Thanks a lot for the reply!. I had one more reply. It created the SSL profile. I am yet to test this on Sunday against production environment. The issue is we have certificate using SHA256 on the server end. Now if we are using DEFAULT cipher list in the Server SSL profile its causing issues. So server team wants to use settings in F5 to have specifically SHA256 set. I tested "AES256-SHA256" using openssl s_server against the end server. The connection was successfull. HOwever the Cipher used was still AES256-SHA and not SHA256. Any comments.