Forum Discussion

Thong_196816's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 25, 2015

network failover/serial cable for HA

for HA configurations, there are 3 options   network failover in network failover the heartbeat is the network packet   serial failover serial cable failover is just checking a vo...
  • nitass_89166's avatar
    May 25, 2015

    network and Serial failover


    If you configure a BIG-IP high-availability pair to use network failover, and the hardwired failover cable also connects the two units, hardwired failover always has precedence; if network failover traffic is compromised, the two units do not fail over because the hardwired failover cable still connects them.


    sol2397: Comparison of hardwired failover and network failover features