New Virtual Server Pool, Self IP and routing configuration
Hi Experts,
I am stuck with a situation
I have a existing virtual server pool and associated self IP's floating) & 3(floating) and gateway on Network firewall. All IP's in the pool are exhausted hence decided to create a new Virtual server pool. there is a default route on F5 pointing to
To create a new VS subnet
Completed below steps
Created a new VLAN and tagged to one free F5 interface
Created self IP's from new VLAN floating) & 3(floating)
Created Virtual Server from new Pool and attached backed server
Traffic to Backend Server from F5 is still going from old subnet self IP's &
Can you please help on what am I missing. I want the SNAT to happen from new self IP's created
D99 It sounds to me like you have automap configure as the SNAT method which will always use the self-IP of the interface closest to the destination. I would not use automap for any of your virtual servers (VS) unless absolutely necessary for various reasons that I won't go into at this moment. I recommend creating a SNAT pool and labeling it SNAT_10.60.94.5 and adding IP to that pool and then under the new VS you will select the SNAT pool you just created called SNAT_10.60.94.5. Once you have SNAT configured the way I have defined you will now see traffic for the VS arriving as to the destination servers.