Normalising URL's
I'm trying to upgrade to 16.1.4 from 16.1.3 seems like F5 have introduced automatic path normalisation. Seems to be around the usage of 302 for APM when it sends it to /my.policy
What do I mean.
The starting url
Path is /Base/second//third?a=1
Notice it has // i there an empty path
Well it seems like in 16.1.4 F5 now normalises this automatically for you !!
so if you start like this
302 ->
From my reading of the RFC the change from // to / is a MAY not a MUST
and that the 2 urls are equivilant
https://example/Base/second//third?a=1 == https://example/Base/second/third?a=1
Now not defending my developers - but they require the // they are not treating the RFC's properly - but F5 are not enforcing this.
Which I also find strange as they have PATH -normalise funcition to do this as well.
So now I am stuck I need to move off 16.1.3 because of a OAUTH memory leak issuse but can't go to 16.1.4 because it breaks other stuff.