Opening a Port Range
This may be quite simple for the BIGIP pros but I'm not sure of the best way to do what I need.
I have an FTP site in IIS with a data channel port range defined (30000-30300) and the IP address of the external firewall i.e. the TMG listener IP and SSL is required. I also have an HTTPS (443) site bound to the FTP site so the directory can be browsed and HTTPS download links provided.
In TMG to access the HTTPS site is a simple web publishing rule and I can replicate this on F5 using the http iApp easily enough.
But also currently in TMG I have a server publishing rule that applies from [anywhere] to [ftp server IP] using the listener IP defined for the FTP service on the external network. In addition this rule has a custom protocol with the port ranges opened for both inbound and outbound connections 21, 989-990, 30000-30300. This is to allow me to configure an FTP client (Filezilla) to use FTPES (explicit/passive) for uploads and downloads and works fine.
How though so I configure this second part on my F5 LTM?