Forum Discussion

IheartF5_45022's avatar
Feb 24, 2014

Optimal tcp profile for 2nd virtual of double virtual

Let's say we have a virtual vs_backend_http which is only ever invoked from an iRule using "virtual vs_backend_http" - it's never accessed via a self-ip - is there an optimal clientside tcp profile to assign to this virtual server other than tcp-lan-optimized? Obviously optimal serverside tcp profile depends on what the virtual does......


4 Replies

    • IheartF5_45022's avatar
      Icon for Nacreous rankNacreous
      In fact I was kind of thinking that it might ignore configured tcp profiles as it's internal comms....
  • Just a hunch here, but given that you're not actually leaving the box, you'd be hard pressed to find any difference in performance between the various TCP profiles. In other words, I don't think you can make it any faster than it already is.