Forum Discussion

alyubarov_3971's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 24, 2016

Port LTM and GTM configuration from v10 to v11

Hi, we are migrating to the new F5 appliances from v10. What is the best method of porting our v10.2.4 configuration to v11.5.4? Most of of the solutions I have come across so far seem to apply to the cases when the upgrade is happening within the same appliance. Is there a native method of porting the existing configuration to v11.5 syntax?


Thank you


3 Replies

  • Rough Guideline:

    1. Backup the configuration on the device and if possible in another location.
    2. Depending on your support contract, you may be able to open up a pro-active ticket for code upgrade support.
    3. Make sure that your box's license date is compliant : License Check
    4. Save the UCS configuration (old_config.ucs) for the 10.x LTM. Copy it over to the new appliance with 11.x.
    5. Execute the following: tmsh load sys ucs old_config.ucs no-license no-platform-check

    I am making an assumption that you have already checked the license check date, no ip/route is changing between the 2 models of devices. Keep the new device ports shut to prevent any network conflict.

  • What are you upgrading from and to? You may have differences such as interface names, so you could always do this manually or merge a new bigip_base.conf file. The bigip.conf file contains config which is appliance independent so you could always copy a version of this over from the old appliance to the tmp folder and run the following:


    tmsh load sys config file /var/tmp/bigip.conf-from-old-appliance merge verify


    the 'verify' syntax doesn't load the config, just makes sure it's valid. Once you're happy you can omit that part of the command to load the new config