Forum Discussion

victor_Fondevil's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 26, 2014

present http page without rewriting client headers

Hi, I'm fairly new on F5 Loadbalancers so excuse me if the question is dumb.

I'm trying to make an iRule that reads Host header searching for and if it matches, send to another pool (LAMP_Server) which have a wordpress listening on and present the HTML page without changing client's navigator URL (

The only way I could do it was rewriting Host header so changing the client navigator URL.

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        log local0. "Request: [HTTP::host]"
            if { [HTTP::uri] contains "foosite" } {
                HTTP::header replace Host
                pool LAMP_Server

    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
    log local0. "Response:"
    foreach aHeader [HTTP::header names] {
          log local0. "$aHeader: [HTTP::header value $aHeader]"

Do you can help me??


4 Replies

  • You just need to change the first 'if' with

    If {[HTTP::host] eq "" && [HTTP::path] eq "/foosite}{       
  • I think the question it's misunderstood (probably my fault, english isn't my first language)... I need the F5 to return the page under the URL, without rewriting client URL


  • Well... It seems some weird Chrome issue, I just tried on Internet Explorer and it works...


  • Make sure you have oneconnect enabled as your rule will only work intermittently without it.