Forum Discussion

Federico_Battag's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 03, 2013

Process "tsconfd"?!?


Anyone know what il the process "tsconfd"?


I often find entries with string "tsconfd policy update" in the policy log and I would like to better understand what is it and what it does.



- is for an automatic signature update?


- is for a sync of ASM pair?




  • as described in ask f5:



    The dcc process forwards policy updates to bd through the bd_agent, and handles bd events received from the bd_agent.



    The dcc process also contains the tsconfd thread, which subscribes to mcpd messages that process the resultant BIG-IP ASM configuration updates.



    more on ASM Daemons:


1 Reply

  • Pascal_Tene_910's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    as described in ask f5:



    The dcc process forwards policy updates to bd through the bd_agent, and handles bd events received from the bd_agent.



    The dcc process also contains the tsconfd thread, which subscribes to mcpd messages that process the resultant BIG-IP ASM configuration updates.



    more on ASM Daemons: