Forum Discussion

Darrin_Wiens_25's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 29, 2008

Redirect to Multiple URLs

I am in the process of moving from a Cisco CSS to the F5 and I have an interesting Redirect issue. On the CSS, I have a content rule that has two services associated with it. Each service is of a redirect type and each goes to a different URL. Basically, it load balances two redirects. I need to do the same thing on the F5. I need to configure an iRule that will round-robin requests to two different redirects. Here is an example of what we've tried...





HTTP::redirect "http://Server1/blah"


HTTP::redirect "http://Server2/blah"





Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.






13 Replies

  • Posted By Colin on 05/09/2008 5:29 PM



    There isn't a good way that I can think of to do health-checks on remote sites. It's pretty easy to redirect users to wherever you want, but health-checking remote systems is a little more tricky.







    I'm confused by this statement, Colin.



    What's the difference?



    If you setup a pool with a member that's remote (e.g. and setup a health monitor that performs 'GET /blah', surely this will do what the OP wanted...? mark the node down if the remote site doesn't respond to the GET /blah, thereby enabling the LB::status check.



    What am I missing?
  • Hi


    When sending the redirect back to the client, the client will initiate a new connection to a new destination. --> Server1 or Server2 Therefore no control over the connection within this irule anymore.



    I think you now found the issue, that you would not reach the server 1 or 2 if it is down.



    So i do not think you should work with redirect at all. Do you have control over those servers ?


    Why do you need to work with a redirect ? Just Loadbalance the Servers with a pool and replace the hostheader if needed. (don´t think you need to)



    Please explain us about the goal of the redirects a bit more that we are able to help





  • Here's a revision that avoids Global Variables so as to be CMP safe.

    when RULE_INIT {
      set static::redirect_targets {{} {} {}}
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
      HTTP::redirect [lindex $static::redirect_targets [expr {[table incr [virtual]_redirect_req_count] % [llength $static::redirect_targets]}]]