Forum Discussion

bigipjr28_13978's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 20, 2015

removing cert from ltm



In the middle of doing some house cleaning on the LTMs. I am trying to remove a certificate that none of the vips use. I keep on getting "object is in use". I combed the config while grepping for it and it exists no where but the /config/filestore/files_d/Common_d/certificate_d/:Common: directory.


Should I delete it directly from bigip.conf ?, what is the best way of doing so ?




3 Replies

  • Could it be that you're looking in the wrong place? A certificate can't be in use by VS, it can only be used by a clientside or a serverside SSL profile. The recommended thing to do is to search for the occurrences in /config/bigip.conf file, you will then find out the relevant SSL profiles that use it. First detach the certificate from all the SSL profiles, then you can remove it.


  • Hi,


    If you are getting an error this means the CERTIFICATE is in use by any one of the Virtual Servers. First of all find out where is it getting used

