Forum Discussion

N__197982's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 27, 2016

Restricted access on the F5 for a specific set of users.

Folks, What are the options to restrict users to only enable/disable pool member on the F5. e.g. in our case we want to create additional users on the F5 but these users should get access only to enabling/disabling pool members.


It would be an added advantage of this is restricted to certain pools only and if this can be achieved through integration with Microsoft AD.


Thanks, N.


1 Reply

  • BinaryCanary_19's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Currently, access controls are not fine-grained enough to allow you to accomplish this. We do support authentication with Microsoft AD (via LDAP and AD) if you use remote authentication, but access control is basically a few pre-defined Auth Groups + administrative partitions.


    Improvements are on the product roadmap, but I can't provide details nor ETA.


    In case this is critical and you have the means and desire to build your own management tool, you could theoretically build your own administrative tool for these users based on the iControl REST API, and then you have all the control over the access control. I understand of course that this might be a big ask for your needs, I'm just putting it out there because you never know...