Forum Discussion

Pedro_Minas's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 06, 2010

Reverse Proxy Problems




I'm trying to create a reverse proxy in my F5 BIG-IP. I'm having problems with the redirection to another port.



What i'm doing is this...



the user connects to a VS (in port 80)... then with an IRule i change the uri and assign a pool depending on the http_request uri... but the real servers are listening in a different port (in my case 50000)... my problem is redirecting not only to a different pool but to another port...



do i have to create another vs listening in port 50000.



Thanks in advance...


14 Replies

  • That's the Host header value he's checking for, so it wouldn't have a forward slash in it.



  • The Address Translation and the port translation options are both Enabled...



    I'm not seeing any error in the /var/log/ltm... with the tcpdump i only see the requests from the client side... and i don't see any requests being sent to the server... the only thing going to the server are the icmp packets (node monitor)...


  • Doh! That's what I get for thinking and not looking.



    Attention to detail got me.



    I thought it was for [HTTP::uri].
  • Thanks guys...



    I've solved the issue... it was a problem in the configuration of the real servers Vlan in the F5...



    Now it's redirecting properly the requests... from the F5 to the real servers...