Forum Discussion

Ciscoape's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 04, 2023

Rseries SCP OS to appliance from remote server

I'm new to rseries but I need to SCP an OS from a remote server onto the appliance via CLI. Server I am admining from holding OS only allows SCP file transfers out and https is not an option. What is the file path? 

From a admin linux box to r5600 i tried:

"#scp <local F5OS.iso filename>  admin@<r5600  IPaddress>:/system/images/staging"
"#scp <local F5OS.iso filename>  admin@<r5600  IPaddress>:/images/staging"
"#scp <local F5OS.iso filename>  admin@<r5600  IPaddress>:/system/images/import/iso"
"#scp <local F5OS.iso filename>  admin@<r5600  IPaddress>:/images/import/iso"

Each time I get the response "Invalid pathname" discusses it some but does not give me all of the information I need (or water it down enough for me).

Any help is always apprecriated


  • Hi Ciscoape,


    Can you try with these pathnames?

2 Replies

  • Hi Ciscoape,


    Can you try with these pathnames?

  • /var/import/staging/

    Defenitly worked. I didn't even need to try the second path. I feel like I need a F5 Docker class.