Forum Discussion

Anthony's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 04, 2016

Running EUD from CLI or AOM

Hi All,


I need to run an EUD on one of our F5 units that is housed in a remote datacenter.


I've updated EUD to v12., but as I don't have direct access to the unit I need to run the EUD remotely.


Does anyone happen to know what steps I need to take to action this?


Many thanks, Anthony


2 Replies

  • I couldn't actually find the steps to run it remotely but have figured it out...

    ssh to AOM address
    hostconsh ~or~ exec /bin/aomconsh -u -b 19200
    Esc ( 
    2 - Reboot Host subsystem
    Select End-User Diagnostics from boot menu