Scheduled Report - Top Attacks By Security Policy
Hello, I am looking to generate a scheduled report to display the top attacks by each security policy I have (4) and I am using v12.1.2.
I navigate to "Security ›› Reporting : Scheduled Reports" and enter the required fields such as name, SMTP info, frequency, etc. But the question is obviously in the exact configuration of the report.
If I use...
Dynamic Report
Time Period: Last Week
Show Results: Top 20
Top Report Criteria: Security Policy
Select Measure: Requests
.. then I get a report with a chart that shows the amount of requests each of those policies has received. Cool. But that is not exactly what I want.
So I hit the plus button to "Use top result from security policy to report" > "Attack Type"
Is there any way that I can "Use ALL results from security policy to report > Attack Type" ??
Any other info on how I could get something like this working to see attack types / violation for the last week from all my policies is appreciated. It is hard to share this info with others when I can only see traffic from my largest virtual server in these reports.