Forum Discussion

newbief5_162606's avatar
Jun 29, 2016

SSL cert alias

We are in the process of generating new SSL certs with a new domain- I wanted to know how to retrieve the alias that are associated with the SSL certs.  
  • Hannes_Rapp_162's avatar
    Jun 29, 2016

    Which one are you looking for - the second common name (SAN), or alias of the certificate? To see the Subject Alternative Name(s) (SAN), you can use openssl and grep for DNS. Alternatively, just import the certificate to BigIP and open the certificate object in GUI

    (System > File Management > SSL Certificate List)


    Cert SAN:

    openssl x509 -noout -text -in /path-to-cert-file.pem | grep DNS

    Cert Alias:
    openssl x509 -noout -alias -in /path-to-cert-file.pem