SSL protocol mismatch
Ok, I ended up way down a rabbit hole earlier this week. That whole line of thought seemed to be a red herring. BigIP LTM trying to load balance to MS Navision servers which don't use standard 80 or 443 ports. Instead, the client communicates on port 7246 using TLSv1.2. If I have my Virtual Server Type set to "Performance (Layer 4)" I can get a connection to the Navision servers without issue. However I want to get SSL Bridging set up because I think we can get better performance with SSL Bridging than just the SSL passthrough (which I believe is basically what the "Performance (Layer 4)" is). When I try to set the type to "standard" (without puting in a client or server ssl profile) the Navision client gives me a "could not create a connection to the server". I've imported our wildcard cert and if I set the Wildcard cert for the SSL Profile (Client) and set the SSL Profile (Server) to "serverssl" I then get a "can't connect because of a protocol mismatch".
tmm --clientciphers DEFAULT | grep "TLS1.2"
returns a bunch of TLS1.2 protocols and the Wildcard profile is set to "Ciphers Default". Checking the LTM log, I just get kind of a generic error
Oct 4 15:45:20 warning tmm1[3124]: 01260009:4: <client IP>:43130 -> <BigIP VS IP>:7246: Connection error: ssl_passthru:5935: alert(40) not SSL
Now, according to wireshark, I'm seeing both TLS and non TLS traffic to port 7246 so I'm not sure if the above error is a "real" error or if the issue is because both kinds of traffic are going to the same port. Logging on my SSL certificate is set to "debug" for all events. I'm not sure where to go next.
ltm profile client-ssl Wildcard23-24 {
ciphers DEFAULT
ltm profile server-ssl serverssl {
ciphers DEFAULT
pool Nav_Pool_7246
profiles {
LC-http { }
LC-oneconnect { }
LC-tcp-lan { }
Wildcard23-24 {
context clientside
serverssl {
context serverside
serverssl-use-sni disabled
source-address-translation {
pool Nav
type snat
translate-address enabled
translate-port enabled
vs-index 4
irbk That is correct. Unless you have some way of the F5 being able to look for a value in the client request that would define if it was intended to be SSL or not you would have to split SSL and non-SSL into two different VS listening on different ports on the F5 side that is client facing.