Forum Discussion

saidshow_251381's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Jun 26, 2018

Testing IP redirect in an iRule

Hi Guys,


I want to be able to test an iRule that redirects based on the IP that is detected. Following this guide: I can block with the ASM just fine using a Custom XFF Header however this applies only to the ASM. When I try to use this with the iRule only logs the actual IP and behaves accordingly to the actual IP and not the Custom XFF header I can test ASM blocks with.


Is there some way that I can simulate an international IP. The test environment does not have internet connectivity so an external proxy is not possible. I had hoped something I could alter in fiddler would do it?




1 Reply

  • Hi,


    The Best way is to rely on a custom HTTP header like X-Forwarded-For to insert a fake IP address.


    You can't spoof easily an IP address on a TCP segment. Or you can put your computer on the same subnet as the BIG-IP, configure a fake Public IP address and configure the routing table of the BIG-IP accordingly.


    But it's not that simple... especially if you would like to test many different IPs



