Forum Discussion

BlackBolt_22590's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 17, 2015

Uneven balancing - ratio (member)

Hi everybody,


So here is my situation, as you can see here:


I have a pool (Pool_Extranet) which contains 2 nodes ExtranetB and ExtranetC where B is a physical server and C a virtual server. The thing is B is much more powerful than C and our customers would like to do a 75/25 balancing but as you can see it's not the case at all, 95% of the connection are on C. We tried to put the pool on ratio (member) and configure the ratio but it changes anything, same goes for dynamic ratio (member) but change anything too... We thought about rebooting ExtranetC to "move" the connections on ExtranetB but it's our last solution and wanted to try the rest before doing it. Any idea?


Thanks in advance.


5 Replies

  • My problem is solved it was indeed the fact that the ratio was different in pool configuration and node configuration.


    • trx_94323's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Are you now load balancing user sessions correctly to pool members or the user session tcp connections? If I'm trying to load balance 50/50 user sessions to pool nodes B and C, would the "ratio (member)" or "ratio (sessions" be you recommendation?






  • This setup was made last night and it didn't change since. In the panel Members we checked the "enabled" case in "Ignore Persisted Weight". We figured out that the ratio is different in the pool configuration and the node configuration. I'll update it if we see a changement, thx for help.


  • How about your persistency configuration, or any iRules that select a specific member on a given criteria? Your problem might not be the incorrect balancing method. Also note that any changes you implement will take time to show any effect, any existing connections will resume with the old configuration until session ends or times out.