Forum Discussion

Vijayrag_Raghav's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 25, 2005

using Sync command from the IControl API.

We have v4.5 BIGIP load balancing devices on our extranet. These are managed by an internal tool that we developed leveraging IControl SDK. Each device is in a pair - Active and Passive. Any action initiated on the node takes place on the Active device. We wish to sync these changes to the Passive device too. Pls let us know the exact steps and the SYNC command with correct options that we should use to enable a perfect sync everytime an action is taken on a node.

1 Reply

  • Loc_Pham_101863's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    You can use the ITCMSystem::ConfigSync interface to synchronize your configuration between the redundant pair. The method you'd want to use is synchronize_configuration (SyncMode = CONFIGSYNC_ALL).



    Note that this operation may take some time to finish, depending on the size of your configuration. If you have several actions to take on the node, it's better to perform all those actions first before initiating the config sync.




