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Piotr_Lewandows's avatar
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Apr 13, 2015

WAN and LAN definition

Hi,   I wonder what is main factor in deciding if given connection should be considered WAN or LAN - in relation to for example setting TCP profile for both client and server sides of connection. ...
  • BinaryCanary_19's avatar
    Apr 13, 2015

    WAN = High-Latency, and potentially High Packet Loss rates too.


    LAN = High bandwidth, low latency == example, Gigabit LAN is high bandwidth, since it's a gigabit per second, and the devices are usually within 100 meters of each other, and so the latency is low too (in addition to being full duplex, which also helps).


    the TCP profiles for LAN and WAN just differ in their default settings, usually buffer sizes. You don't need to tweak them unless you understand the knobs you're tweaking, and you know exactly what you hope to achieve.