APM DTLS Virtual Server iApp

Problem this snippet solves:

TCP VPN tunnels suffer from an issue known as "TCP meltdown" where packets dropped on the tunnel cause both TCP tunnels to backoff and we see a sawtooth throughput pattern. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunneling_protocol

This iApp will clone your existing TCP VPN virtual server and create a UDP DTLS virtual server on port 4433. It will also enable DTLS on your selected Network Access profile.

Tested on v13.1 but not used in a production deployment

Available on Github at https://github.com/pwhitef5/apm-vpn-optimisation/blob/master/apm_dtls_iapp.tmpl

How to use this snippet:

  • Install the iApp as normal
  • Deploy a service and select the VPN virtual server and Network Access profile in use
  • The newly created virtual server will be a clone of the original called <VS name>_dtls and listening on UDP

Code :

cli admin-partitions {
    update-partition Common
sys application template /Common/apm_dtls_iapp {
    actions {
        definition {
            html-help {
            implementation {
                set app_dir [tmsh::pwd]
				set app_name $tmsh::app_name

                # https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K54955814
                set vs [lindex [ tmsh::get_config ltm virtual $::main__vsname ] 0]
                set profiles [ tmsh::get_field_value $vs profiles ]
                set connectivityProfile ""
                set clientsslProfile ""
                foreach profile $profiles {
                    set name [ lindex [ split $profile ] 1 ]
                    set newname "${name}-dtls"
                    # Retrieve the connectivity profile
                    if { ! [ catch { tmsh::get_config apm profile connectivity $name } ] } {
                        set connectivityProfile $name

                    # Retrieve the client-ssl profile
                    if { ! [ catch { tmsh::get_config ltm profile client-ssl $name } ] } {
                        set clientsslProfile $name
                if { $connectivityProfile == "" } {
                    error "Error! Virtual server $::main__vsname does not have a connectivity profile assigned"
                if { $clientsslProfile == "" } {
                    error "Error! Virtual server $::main__vsname does not have a client SSL profile assigned"
                set vip "[lindex [split [ tmsh::get_field_value $vs destination ] : ] 0 ]:4433"
                # Check if VLANs are set 
                if { [catch {set vlans [ tmsh::get_field_value $vs vlans]} err ] } {
                    # VLANS are not configured
                    set vlans ""
                } else {
                    # VLANS are configured
                    if { $vlans != "" } {
                        set vlans " vlans-enabled vlans replace-all-with \{ $vlans \}"
                    } else {
                        set vlans ""
                # Check if SNAT is set
                if { [ catch {set snatType [ tmsh::get_field_value $vs source-address-translation.type ] } err ]} {
                    # No SNAT pool
                    set snat ""
                } elseif { $snatType == "automap" } {
                    # Automap
                    set snat " source-address-translation \{ type automap \}"
                } elseif { $snatType == "snat" } {
                    # SNAT pool is set
                    set snatpool [ tmsh::get_field_value $vs source-address-translation.pool ]
                    set snat " source-address-translation \{ type snat pool $snatpool \}"
                } else {
                    # Should never hit this
                    set snat ""
                # Create VS
                tmsh::create ltm virtual $newname $vlans $snat ip-protocol udp destination $vip profiles replace-all-with \{ $connectivityProfile \{ context clientside \} $clientsslProfile \{ context clientside \} \}
                # Change network access profile
                tmsh::stateless enabled
                tmsh::modify apm resource network-access $::main__networkAccessProfile dtls true
                tmsh::stateless disabled

            presentation {
				section main {
					# The entry below creates a large text box that must be filled out with a valid IP Address
					# For details of APL, look at the iApps developers guide:
					# https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/products/big-ip_ltm/manuals/product/bigip-iapps-developer-11-4-0.html
					message intro "This iApp will create a DTLS virtual server based on your existing VPN virtual server, and add DTLS support to the network access profile"

                    choice vsname display "large" tcl {
							package require iapp 1.1.0
							return "[iapp::get_items ltm virtual]"
                    choice networkAccessProfile display "large" tcl {
							package require iapp 1.1.0
							return "[iapp::get_items apm resource network-access]"

				text {
					# Entities below set the text for the questions and section names, etc. Make them simple and relevant.
					main "Main"
                    main.intro "Usage"
					main.vsname "VPN Virtual Server"
					main.networkAccessProfile "Network Access Profile"
            role-acl none
            run-as none
    description "iApp to create a DTLS virtual server based on your existing TCP VPN virtual server"
    ignore-verification false
    requires-bigip-version-max none
    requires-bigip-version-min none
    requires-modules { apm }
    signing-key none
    tmpl-checksum none
    tmpl-signature none

Tested this on version:

Published Mar 24, 2020
Version 1.0

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