BIG-IP APMとPassLogicを連携させて端末固有情報の登録を自動化する方法

Technorati タグ: APM,BIG-IP,iRules


・1ユーザーが使用するデバイスはひとり1台ではなくMac, Windows, Linux, iOS, Androidがあり最大5台(うちiOS/Androidは最大2台)
・ユーザーに紐づけるデバイスではなく、あらかじめ登録してある共有用デバイス (PC, Windows, iOS, Android)からのログインは無条件に認めたい

BIG-IP Access Policy Manager (以下APM)とパスロジ社のPassLogic Enterprise Edition 2.3.0(以下PassLogic)、そして本記事で紹介するAPMのAccess ProfileとiRulesでPassLogicのAPIと連携することでこれらの要件を満たすことができます。

PassLogic Enterprise Edition 2.3.0
BIG-IP Access Policy Manager (APM) v12.0 HF1

このiRulesでは、Sideband Connectionを使用してAPMセッション変数のPassLogicのRADIUS Attribute登録を実現しています。

Technorati タグ: Japan


・(任意の)NICのMACアドレス (Windows, Mac, Linux)

・マザーボードのシリアル番号 (Windowsのみ)

・(任意の)ハードディスクドライブのシリアル番号 (Windowsのみ)
About Machine Info

Support for using the BIG-IP Edge Client to check identifying information from Apple iOS client devices

・AndroidのUnique ID
Overview of session variable support for BIG-IP Edge Client for Android devices

APMでは下記のようなポリシーを作成し、Access ProfileからiRulesイベントを呼び出します。

iRulesではAPMセッション変数を使用してPassLogicのRADIUS Attributeへ情報を登録します。

when RULE_INIT {
# Set the IP:Port of PassLogic Enterprise Edition
set static::passlogicip ""
set static::passlogicport 7080


#   Check Shared Device (Required to set HW Info to DataGroup SharedDevices HWInfo:=DeviceKind)
    if { [ACCESS::policy agent_id] eq "IsSharedDevice" } {
        set uname [ACCESS::session data get session.logon.last.username]
        set hwinfo [ACCESS::session data get session.passlogic.hwinfo]
        set devkind0 [ACCESS::session data get session.passlogic.devicekind]
        if { [class match -value $hwinfo eq SharedDevices] eq $devkind0 } {
            log local0. "User $uname is accessed with shared device kind=$devkind ($hwinfo)"
            ACCESS::session data set session.isshareddevice "yes"
        } else {
            log local0. "User $uname is accessed with non-shared device kind=$devkind0 ($hwinfo)"
            ACCESS::session data set session.isshareddevice "no"

#   Device HW Information will be registed to PassLogic RADIUS Attribute
    if { [ACCESS::policy agent_id] eq "RegistHWInfoToPassLogic" } {
        # Get APM session variables
        set uname [ACCESS::session data get session.logon.last.username]
        set dom [ACCESS::session data get session.logon.last.domain]
        set rattr [ACCESS::session data get session.passlogic.attr]
        set devkind [ACCESS::session data get session.passlogic.devicekind]
        set hwinfo [ACCESS::session data get session.passlogic.hwinfo]
        set rewrite9 [ACCESS::session data get session.passlogi.setrewrite9]
        set newattr ""
        log local0. "username = $uname device=$devkind hw=$hwinfo"
        log local0. "Old Attribute = $rattr"

        if { $rewrite9 eq "yes" } {
            log local0. "Rewrite not device kind ($devkind) but any device (9)"
            set devkind 9
        # flag for change attribute
        set addd 0
        foreach i [split $rattr |] {
            if { $i eq $devkind } {
                if { $addd == 0 } {
                    # Generate new attribute data for regist new device
                    set tstr $newattr
                    set newattr "$tstr$hwinfo|"
                    set addd 1
                } else {
                    set tstr $newattr
                    set newattr "$tstr$i|"
            } else {
                    set tstr $newattr
                    set newattr "$tstr$i|"
        if { $addd == 1 } {
            log local0. "New DeviceID ($hwinfo) for user $uname will be registered to PassLogic. New RADIUS Attribute=$newattr"
            set conn [connect -timeout 3000 -idle 30 -status conn_status $static::passlogicip $static::passlogicport ]
            log local0. "Connect returns: <$conn> and conn status: <$conn_status> "
            set conn_info [connect info -idle -status $conn]
            log local0. "Connect info: <$conn_info>"
            set data "GET /passlogic/api/admin?mode=useredit&uid=$uname&domain=$dom&attribute1=$newattr HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"
            set send_info [send -timeout 3000 -status send_status $conn $data]
            log local0. "Sent <$send_info> bytes and send status: <$send_status>"
            set recv_data [recv -timeout 3000 -status recv_status 1024 $conn]
            log local0. "Recv data: <$recv_data> and recv status: <$recv_status>"
            close $conn
            log local0. "Closed; conn info: <[connect info -status $conn]>"
            log local0. "PassLogic response is correct."

            if { $recv_data contains "PassLogic" } {
                set ret [string range [findstr $recv_data "
" 0 "
"] 6 10] log local0. "Result Code = $ret" ACCESS::session data set session.passlogic.result $ret switch $ret { "50300"{ ACCESS::session data set session.passlogic.error "PassLogic Error: err Invalid input data." log local0. "PassLogic Error: err Invalid input data." } "50301"{ ACCESS::session data set session.passlogic.error "PassLogic Error: err The user does not exist." log local0. "PassLogic Error: err The user does not exist." } "50302"{ ACCESS::session data set session.passlogic.error "PassLogic Error: err Update parameter is required." log local0. "PassLogic Error: err Update parameter is required." } "50400"{ ACCESS::session data set session.passlogic.error "PassLogic Information: notice User information has updated successfully. New DeviceID ($hwinfo) for user $uname was registered." log local0. "PassLogic Information: notice User information has updated successfully. New DeviceID ($hwinfo) for user $uname was registered." } "50499"{ ACCESS::session data set session.passlogic.error "PassLogic Error: crit System error occurred." log local0. "PassLogic Error: crit System error occurred." } } } } else { ACCESS::session data set session.passlogic.result "NG" } } }

詳しい設定手順やAccess Profile、iRulesサンプルは下記よりダウンロードできます。

Updated Jun 06, 2023
Version 2.0

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