BIG-IP LTM and Live Meeting Portal Server

BIG-IP LTM and Live Meeting Portal Server

I setup Live Meeting Portal Server in a production environment the other day and wanted to share a few things that are not mentioned in Microsoft’s documentation.  The BIG-IP portion of this configuration is super easy, but it is understanding how both the application and the BIG-IP work together that can be the hardest part of any deployment. 


Please consult the Live Meeting Portal Server documentation and ensure that your servers meet all the perquisites before installation. All the examples in this guide are setup so that you will end up with a website at this URL: Please feel free to substitute your company’s name for “mycompany”.

IIS Setup:

1. Download the latest version of Office Live Meeting Service Portal. As of 4/20/2010 that can be found here:

2. Create a basic website in IIS and name it Live Meeting. This empty shell of a website will be used by the Live Meeting installer and will basically be taken over by it after you run through the installation.

3. Create a folder named “Livemeeting” in the directory of your choice. In this example we will use ”E:\web\content\”

4. Double click the lmportal.exe to begin the installation and choose custom when the option appears. Then select the directory you created above so the files will be placed in your normal custom web content location.

5. Remote Desktop (RDP) to the web server and open IIS. DO NOT USE THE IIS CONSOLE ON YOUR LOCAL MACHINE as you will not have access to everything that you need.

6. The screenshots below will help guide you through the configuration of the web site in IIS. Things that do need to be changed:

a. Add 443 to the SSL port and select the unique IP address for the site to use. We will be terminating SSL on the F5 BIG-IP and then re-encrypting before sending it back on to the server.

b. Allow Scripts and Executables under execute permissions. Verify application pool is set to Live Meeting Intranet Portal AppPool.

c. Verify that ASP.NET is set to version

d. Under Directory Security, click Edit and make sure there is a check mark on the “Enable anonymous access” and “Integrated Windows authentication” box.

e. Go to the application pool, right click and go to properties. Click the Health tab and uncheck “Enable Rapid-Fail protection”. Not including a screenshot of this one.

7. Navigate to “E:\web\content\Livemeeting\Portal” on the server. Then find the file named “Portal.config”, right-click it and click the Security tab. Click Add and then add the “Network Service” user account and give it full control. You have to do this or you cannot modify the configuration settings from the GUI.

8. Do the same thing listed in step 7 for the “PortalExport” folder located in the directory you should currently be in: “E:\web\content\Livemeeting\Portal”

9. Now you have to import the SSL certificate that you are going to use into IIS website that you just set up. You will need to obtain the .crt file for the SSL certificate and the .key file for that certificate. We terminate our SSL on the BIG-IP so these can both be obtained from there. I will skip the steps regarding purchasing an SSL certificate for a site if you do not already have one. It kind of falls outside the scope of this guide.

10. Use a search engine and search for OpenSSL. You should find their homepage at:

11. Download OpenSSL and install it on your Local machine. I don’t recommend installing it on the server for a wide variety of reasons. I installed my copy of OpenSSL into “C:\OpenSSL”.

12. Take the .key file and the .crt file and put them into OpenSSL’s “bin” directory. It’s just a folder inside of your OpenSSL folder called bin.

13. Open a command line and change directory over to C:\OpenSSL\bin. The example I am going to provide is for a fictitious company named “MyCompany” that is using a wildcard ssl certificate on a few of their websites.

14. Then type in the following command:

This all needs to be on one line. Spaces are ok, but no carriage returns or anything like that. This command is modeled after this example for future reference:

openssl pkcs12 -export -out certificate.pfx -inkey privateKey.key -in certificate.crt -certfile CACert.crt

certificate.pfx = the name of the new .pfx file you want to create

privateKey.key = the private key you got off of the F5 BIG-IP

certificate.crt = the crt file that you got off the F5 BIG-IP

CACert.crt = the crt file that you got off the F5 BIG-IP

15. After you type the command and hit enter, you will be prompted for a password. You can use any password that you like but you will need to remember it because IIS asks you for the same password when you go to import it.

16. OpenSSL will compile a new .pfx file for you in the C:/OpenSSL/bin directory. Take that SSL certificate and copy it over to your web server.

17. RDP over to the server and open IIS. Again here is the disclaimer, DO NOT USE THE IIS CONSOLE ON YOUR LOCAL MACHINE. Right-click on the Live Meeting web site that you created and click on the Directory Security tab. Under “Secure Communications”, click the “Server Certificate…” button.

18. Click Next and then click the “Import a certificate from a .pfx file” radio button and click next. Browse to the .pfx file that you uploaded to the web server. Click next and enter your password information that you used when you created the certificate. Then finish clicking through the wizard. Then restart IIS on the server and delete the certificate off of your local machine. This completes the IIS setup. Now move on to the Live Meeting Portal setup.

Live Meeting Portal Setup

19. Navigate to the URL:

Where is the name of the website you setup. The screen will look like the one shown on the next page. This is the Settings-Portal Configuration page. You will want to use the following settings which are also pictured in the screenshot on the next page.

Conference Center URL =

Conference Center Administrator

User Id =

Password =

Email address for escalation =

Enabled Portal Services = Check the Account Create, Account Login, Account Update and Web Method Calls

Ticket Timeout = 300 Seconds

Directory Service Parameters = AccountNamePolicy=LogonUsername

20. Then click Save. If you receive an error at this point, refer back to step #7.

21. Click on the Roles link on the left side of the page. This will take you to the Roles-Portal Configuration page. Under “Live Meeting Administrators” add the users who will be the Live Meeting Administrators. Use domain\name format. IE: mydomain\username

22. Then under the “Live Meeting Organizers” settings I recommend adding the “Domain Users” from the varies domains on your network. So if you have three domains on you network named ABC, 123 and XYZ you would list ABC\Domain Users, 123\Domain Users and XYZ\Domain Users.

23. Then click the “Export Configurations Settings” link on the left hand side of the page. This is not really labeled right because what it actually does is back up your configuration. If you mess something up in the running configuration, simply click on the “Import Configuration Settings” to restore the last configuration that you exported.

24. Then click on the “Events” link on the left side of the page. Change the log file directory to a directory that you want to have all the logs written into. In this example I chose the E: drive of the server I was working on. Whether you create a new one or use an existing one you must make sure that the “Network Service” account has permissions on that folder to Read, Write and Modify. Otherwise you will receive a nasty .NET error when you go to save the changes you just made. Click Save.

Live Meeting Portal Server BIG-IP LTM Setup

The BIG-IP LTM set up for this is very easy to configure. You will need to create nodes for each of your web servers, assign them to a pool named “Live_Meeting_Pool” and then create a Virtual Server for the application. I named my virtual server “Live Meeting” in the example pictured below. You may need to customize it to match your environment, but the basic settings are:

Service Port: 443

Type: Standard

Protocol: TCP

Protocol Profile (Client): tcp

HTTP Profile: http

SSL Profile (Client): wildcard

SSL Profile (Server): serverssl

I also assigned the Live_Meeting_Pool to the Virtual Server, set the Default Persistence Profile to “Cookie” and Fallback Persistence Profile to source address.



Published Apr 27, 2010
Version 1.0

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