Checksums for F5 supported VMware vCenter cloud templates

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Checksums for F5 supported VMware vCenter cloud templates

F5 Networks provides checksums for all of our supported VMware vCenter templates (for other Cloud providers, see See the README files on GitHub for information on individual templates.

You can find the VMware templates in the appropriate supported directory on GitHub:

You can get a checksum for a particular template by running one of the following commands, depending on your operating system:

  • Linux:
    sha512sum <path_to_template>
  • Windows using CertUtil:
    CertUtil –hashfile <path_to_template> SHA512

You can compare the checksum produced by that command against the following list. To find your hash, copy the script-signature hash out of your template and search for it on this page. To find the script signature, click the link in the Solution File column (look closely at the path to find the template you are using) and search for script-signature. The hash immediately follows.

Release 1.4.0

Solution FileHash`38a48d1f93e91cafcbe3324f5705ea9573918f48e987f2ad127ff38b3de1a2bbe38225bb62be969bba4e6d655b40f8f5f0a4eec43f3b2999c03ddfc22a0b0744``5b1ddbbe50a0986b4ef4a0d347f30d36e20cb36186f1741449b47cfe8651e57e13bd76ab21164c0b98730f202823b3aa747d232196d0cc32759f558124b2a973`

Release 1.3.0

Solution FileHash`75613cb46c9639c9e5632dd6099fa424e1b92c6cfd1e4996fc16a1186a3b73e7e9ea8008ab1a27bddf8d0324260d3e2678ed4b1ff5575cfe7f0a492087998cec``b0dc9b2d814aff8598426b7b1c94d06bab58cc5d7d76b77d7df1251c782e534eb40655c8104911e9007ae9806daa0d02520c2c86816ec1f76721840bb3f4f324`

Code :

You can get a checksum for a particular template by running one of the following commands, depending on your operating system:

*   **Linux**: `sha512sum `
*   **Windows using CertUtil**:  `CertUtil –hashfile  SHA512`
Updated Jun 06, 2023
Version 2.0

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