F5 Release Device Package 1.2.0 for Cisco ACI [End of Life]

The F5 and Cisco APIC integration based on the device package and iWorkflow is End Of Life.
The latest integration is based on the Cisco AppCenter named ‘F5 ACI ServiceCenter’.
Visit https://f5.com/cisco for updated information on the integration.

On July 1st, 2015, F5 released Device Package version 1.2.0 for Cisco ACI.  What is new in this device package?


We added persistence profiles (default and fallback) support in this device package.  Thru APIC, you can reference persistence profiles (default or custom built) reside in common partition.  F5 sees the referencing approach provides customers greater flexibility in managing profiles than configuring profiles within APIC -> you can modify the profiles parameters out-of-band.


We also added full address translation capability to our device package 1.2.0.  You can now choose SNAT Pool / Automap / None options:

We also made feature enhancements on allowing customers to tune additional parameters:

  • Connection Mirroring (Enable / Disable)
  • Source Port (Change / Preserve / Preserve-Strict)
  • Port Lockdown (All / None / Default)

F5 continues to strive for improvements in our Cisco ACI integrations to meet customers demand in ACi service insertion environment.

You can download the latest device package from downloads.f5.com.

Published Sep 30, 2015
Version 1.0

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