Perl ARX Schedule

Problem this snippet solves:

This script is an example of how to use the iControl interfaces provided by an ARX to monitor and manage all schedules on an ARX.

How to use this snippet: --url  --user  --pass 


  1. SOAP::Lite perl module
  2. An F5 ARX system running release V6.02.000 or later.
  3. Management access on the ARX must be permitted for HTTPs-API or HTTP-API services.

Code :

# The contents of this file are subject to the "END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT 
# FOR F5 Software Development Kit for iControl"; you may not use this file 
# except in compliance with the License. The License is included in the 
# iControl Software Development Kit.
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
# the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
# under the License.
# The Original Code is iControl Code and related documentation
# distributed by F5.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is F5 Networks,
# Inc. Seattle, WA, USA. Portions created by F5 are Copyright (C) 1996-2012
# F5 Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved.  iControl (TM) is a registered 
# trademark of F5 Networks, Inc.
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms
# of the GNU General Public License (the "GPL"), in which case the
# provisions of GPL are applicable instead of those above.  If you wish
# to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the
# GPL and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the
# License, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
# replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL.
# If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your
# version of this file under either the License or the GPL.
# Description
# This script is an example of how to use the iControl interfaces provided by
# an ARX to monitor and manage all schedules on an ARX.
# Usage: --url  --user  --pass  --op 
# Prerequisites:
# This script requires the following:
#   * SOAP::Lite perl module
#   * An F5 ARX system running release V6.02.000 or later.
#   * Management access on the ARX must be permitted for HTTP-API and HTTPS-API
#     services.
# For more information on ARX configuration, please consult the
# documentation that was provided with your ARX system.

# SOAP::Lite lets us send SOAP requests and parse them
use SOAP::Lite
    autotype => 0,
    default_ns => 'urn:iControl';

# If you need to debug problems with your script, you can use the +trace 
# option with SOAP::Lite and it will print the XML sent to and received from
# the server:
# use SOAP::Lite
#     autotype => 0,
#     default_ns => 'urn:iControl' + trace;

# Getopt::Long lets us easily parse command line options
use Getopt::Long;

use POSIX qw(strftime);

use Carp;
use Time::Local;

use strict;
use warnings;

# Main program logic

our ($url, $user, $pass, $op);

# Load command line options - if the load fails, then we print the usage
# instructions and exit.
if (!GetOptions("url=s" =>  \$url,
                "user=s" => \$user,
                "pass=s" => \$pass,
                "op=s" => \$op)) {

# If any arguments were skipped, print the usage instructions and exit.
if (!defined $url || !defined $user || !defined $pass || !defined $op) {

# The service path for interface "Interface" is this:
# http://:/api/services/Interface
my $scheduleServiceUrl = $url . "/api/services/Schedule";

# In order for SOAP to access a web service, it needs to read the WSDL
# for the interface you want to use.  The WSDL file for an interface
# called "Interface" is available via http/https on the ARX at:
# http://:/api/services/Interface?wsdl
# If you need a WSDL 2.0 version, that is also available at:
# http://:/arx-api/wsdl/Interface.wsdl2
# In this case, we're using the Schedule interface and we're 
# interested in using the WSDL 1.1 version.
my $scheduleWsdlUrl = $scheduleServiceUrl . "?wsdl";

# Now we build our SOAP::Lite object using the service and WSDL
# URLs
my $scheduleSoap = SOAP::Lite->new(proxy   => $scheduleServiceUrl,
                                   service => $scheduleWsdlUrl);

if ($op eq "get_list")
elsif ($op eq "get_configuration")
elsif ($op eq "get_status")
elsif ($op eq "create")
elsif ($op eq "set_description")

elsif ($op eq "set_duration")
elsif ($op eq "set_interval")
elsif ($op eq "set_start")
elsif ($op eq "set_stop")
elsif ($op eq "create_and_configure")
elsif ($op eq "remove")

# End of main program logic

# sub usage
sub usage
    print "\nUsage: --url  --user  --pass  --op \n";
    print "\n";
    print "Argument  Description\n";
    print "--------  -----------\n";
    print "--url     The base URL of the web service on the ARX. Both http and https\n";
    print "          are supported. The format is:\n";
    print "\n";
    print "          http(s)://:\n";
    print "\n";
    print "          : DNS resolvable hostname or IP address\n";
    print "          :     83 for http or 843 for https\n";
    print "\n";
    print "--user    The username for authentication.\n";
    print "--pass    The password for authentication.\n";
    print "\n";
    print "--op      The ARXSchedule API method that will be called:\n";
    print "\n";
    print "          create\n";
    print "          create_and_configure\n";
    print "          set_description\n";
    print "          set_duration\n";
    print "          set_interval\n";
    print "          set_start\n";
    print "          set_stop\n";
    print "          get_list\n";
    print "          get_configuration\n";
    print "          get_status\n";
    print "          remove\n";
    print "\n";

# sub getSecurityHeader(user, pass)
# This subroutine builds a security header that will be used for
# authentication.  This type of security header is required for all calls to
# iControl::ARX interfaces, so it makes sense to have this subroutine stored in
# a library for common access.
sub getSecurityHeader
    my $user = shift;
    my $pass = shift;
    my $now = time();
    my $then = time() + 60;
    my $created = strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", gmtime($now)) . 'Z';
    my $expires = strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", gmtime($then)) . 'Z';

    my $secExt = '';
    my $secUtil = '';
    my $securityHeader = SOAP::Header->name("wsse:Security")->attr(
                'xmlns:wsse'=> $secExt,
                'xmlns:wsu'=> $secUtil
    my $timestamp = SOAP::Data->name("wsu:Timestamp" =>
    my $usernameTokenType = 
    my $usernameToken = SOAP::Data->name("wsse:UsernameToken" =>

    $securityHeader->value(\SOAP::Data->value($timestamp, $usernameToken));

    return $securityHeader;

sub create
    print "Please specify a schedule name:\n\n";
    chomp(my $schedule = <>);
    print "\n";

    print "Calling the \"create\" method of the ARX Schedule interface with the following parameters:\n\n";
    print "schedule: $schedule\n\n";

    # Build a security header 
    my $securityHeader = getSecurityHeader($user, $pass);

    my $scheduleSoapResult = $scheduleSoap->create(SOAP::Data->name('schedule')->value($schedule), 

    # Check if there were any faults encountered during the operation.
    # We find this by checking if the fault member of the result object
    # is set.  If there is a fault, then we can print the detailed 
    # fault text using the faultstring member of the result object.
    if (defined $scheduleSoapResult->fault && $scheduleSoapResult->fault) {
        confess("SOAP request failed:\n" . objdump($scheduleSoapResult->fault) . "\n");

sub create_and_configure
    print "Please specify a schedule name:\n\n";
    chomp(my $schedule = <>);
    print "\n";

    print "Please specify a description:\n\n";
    chomp(my $description = <>);
    print "\n";

    print "Please specify a duration:\n\n";
    chomp(my $duration = <>);
    print "\n";

    print "Please specify a start time (mm/dd/yyyy:hh:mm):\n\n";
    chomp(my $time = <>);
    my $month = substr($time, 0, 2) - 1;
    my $day = substr($time, 3, 2);
    my $year = substr($time, 6, 4);
    my $hour = substr($time, 11, 2);
    my $minute = substr($time, 14, 2);
    my $start = timelocal(0, $minute, $hour, $day, $month, $year);
    print "\n";

    print "Please specify a stop time (mm/dd/yyyy:hh:mm):\n\n";
    chomp($time = <>);
    $month = substr($time, 0, 2) - 1;
    $day = substr($time, 3, 2);
    $year = substr($time, 6, 4);
    $hour = substr($time, 11, 2);
    $minute = substr($time, 14, 2);
    my $stop = timelocal(0, $minute, $hour, $day, $month, $year);
    print "\n";

    chomp(my $intervalType = <>);
    print "\n";

    print "Please specify an 'interval':\n\n";
    chomp(my $interval = <>);
    print "\n";

    print "Calling the \"create_and_configure\" method of the ARX Schedule interface with the following parameters:\n\n";
    print "schedule: $schedule\n";
    print "description: $description\n";
    print "duration: $duration\n";
    print "start_time: $start\n";
    print "stop_time: $stop\n";
    print "interval_type: $intervalType\n";
    print "interval: $interval\n\n";

    my $securityHeader = getSecurityHeader($user, $pass);

    my $scheduleSoapResult = $scheduleSoap->create_and_configure(SOAP::Data->name('configuration' => \SOAP::Data->value(
                                                                                                      SOAP::Data->name("name" => $schedule), 
                                                                                                      SOAP::Data->name("description" => $description), 
                                                                                                      SOAP::Data->name("duration" => $duration), 
                                                                                                      SOAP::Data->name("start_time" => $start, 
                                                                                                      SOAP::Data->name("stop_time" => $stop), 
                                                                                                      SOAP::Data->name("interval_type" => $intervalType), 
                                                                                                      SOAP::Data->name("interval" => $interval))

    if (defined $scheduleSoapResult->fault && $scheduleSoapResult->fault) {
        confess("SOAP request failed:\n" . objdump($scheduleSoapResult->fault) . "\n");

sub set_description
    print "Please specify a schedule name:\n\n";
    chomp(my $schedule = <>);
    print "\n";

    print "Please specify a description:\n\n";
    chomp(my $description = <>);
    print "\n";

    print "Calling the \"set_description\" method of the ARX Schedule interface with the following parameters:\n\n";
    print "schedule: $schedule\n";
    print "description: $description\n\n";

    my $securityHeader = getSecurityHeader($user, $pass);

    my $scheduleSoapResult = $scheduleSoap->set_description(SOAP::Data->name('schedule')->value($schedule), 

    if (defined $scheduleSoapResult->fault && $scheduleSoapResult->fault) {
        confess("SOAP request failed:\n" . objdump($scheduleSoapResult->fault) . "\n");

sub set_duration
    print "Please specify a schedule name:\n\n";
    chomp(my $schedule = <>);
    print "\n";

    print "Please specify a duration:\n\n";
    chomp(my $duration = <>);
    print "\n";

    print "Calling the \"set_duration\" method of the ARX Schedule interface with the following parameters:\n\n";
    print "schedule: $schedule\n";
    print "duration: $duration\n\n";

    my $securityHeader = getSecurityHeader($user, $pass);

    my $scheduleSoapResult = $scheduleSoap->set_duration(SOAP::Data->name('schedule')->value($schedule), 

    if (defined $scheduleSoapResult->fault && $scheduleSoapResult->fault) {
        confess("SOAP request failed:\n" . objdump($scheduleSoapResult->fault) . "\n");

sub set_interval
    print "Please specify a schedule name:\n\n";
    chomp(my $schedule = <>);
    print "\n";

    chomp(my $intervalType = <>);
    print "\n";

    print "Please specify an 'interval':\n\n";
    chomp(my $interval = <>);
    print "\n";

    print "Calling the \"set_interval\" method of the ARX Schedule interface with the following parameters:\n\n";
    print "schedule: $schedule\n";
    print "interval_type: $intervalType\n";
    print "interval: $interval\n\n";

    my $securityHeader = getSecurityHeader($user, $pass);

    my $scheduleSoapResult = $scheduleSoap->set_interval(SOAP::Data->name('schedule')->value($schedule), 
                                                         SOAP::Data->name("interval_type" => $intervalType), 
                                                         SOAP::Data->name("interval" => $interval), 

    if (defined $scheduleSoapResult->fault && $scheduleSoapResult->fault) {
        confess("SOAP request failed:\n" . objdump($scheduleSoapResult->fault) . "\n");

sub set_start
    print "Please specify a schedule name:\n\n";
    chomp(my $schedule = <>);
    print "\n";

    print "Please specify a start time (mm/dd/yyyy:hh:mm):\n\n";
    chomp(my $time = <>);
    my $month = substr($time, 0, 2) - 1;
    my $day = substr($time, 3, 2);
    my $year = substr($time, 6, 4);
    my $hour = substr($time, 11, 2);
    my $minute = substr($time, 14, 2);
    my $start = timelocal(0, $minute, $hour, $day, $month, $year);
    print "\n";

    print "Calling the \"set_start\" method of the ARX Schedule interface with the following parameters:\n\n";
    print "schedule: $schedule\n";
    print "time: $start\n\n";

    my $securityHeader = getSecurityHeader($user, $pass);

    my $scheduleSoapResult = $scheduleSoap->set_start(SOAP::Data->name('schedule')->value($schedule), 

    if (defined $scheduleSoapResult->fault && $scheduleSoapResult->fault) {
        confess("SOAP request failed:\n" . objdump($scheduleSoapResult->fault) . "\n");

sub set_stop
    print "Please specify a schedule name:\n\n";
    chomp(my $schedule = <>);
    print "\n";

    print "Please specify a stop time (mm/dd/yyyy:hh:mm):\n\n";
    chomp(my $time = <>);
    my $month = substr($time, 0, 2) - 1;
    my $day = substr($time, 3, 2);
    my $year = substr($time, 6, 4);
    my $hour = substr($time, 11, 2);
    my $minute = substr($time, 14, 2);
    my $stop = timelocal(0, $minute, $hour, $day, $month, $year);
    print "\n";

    print "Calling the \"set_stop\" method of the ARX Schedule interface with the following parameters:\n\n";
    print "schedule: $schedule\n";
    print "time: $stop\n\n";

    my $securityHeader = getSecurityHeader($user, $pass);

    my $scheduleSoapResult = $scheduleSoap->set_stop(SOAP::Data->name('schedule')->value($schedule), 

    if (defined $scheduleSoapResult->fault && $scheduleSoapResult->fault) {
        confess("SOAP request failed:\n" . objdump($scheduleSoapResult->fault) . "\n");

sub get_list
    # Get a list of schedules configured on the ARX.
    print "Calling the \"get_list\" method of the ARX Schedule interface.\n\n";

    # Build a security header 
    my $securityHeader = getSecurityHeader($user, $pass);

    my $scheduleSoapResult = $scheduleSoap->get_list($securityHeader);

    # Check if there were any faults encountered during the operation.
    # We find this by checking if the fault member of the result object
    # is set.  If there is a fault, then we can print the detailed 
    # fault text using the faultstring member of the result object.
    if (defined $scheduleSoapResult->fault && $scheduleSoapResult->fault) {
        confess("SOAP request failed:\n" . objdump($scheduleSoapResult->fault) . "\n");

    print "Printing the results of the call to the \"get_list\" method of the ARX Schedule interface.\n\n";

    # The get_list() call did not fail, so we build a list of schedule
    # names from the result.  Note that the full result is a
    # concatenation of the result and paramsout members of the SOAP
    # result object.
    my @scheduleList = ($scheduleSoapResult->result, 

    if ($#scheduleList < 0) {
        print("The list of schedules returned from the call to the \"get_list\" method of the ARX Schedule interface was empty.\n");

    # We can now print the list of schedules
    print "Schedule list:\n";
    foreach my $schedule (@scheduleList) {
        print " ", $schedule, "\n";

    print "\n";

sub get_configuration
    # Get a list of schedules configured on the ARX.
    print "Calling the \"get_list\" method of the ARX Schedule interface.\n\n";

    # Build a security header 
    my $securityHeader = getSecurityHeader($user, $pass);

    my $scheduleSoapResult = $scheduleSoap->get_list($securityHeader);

    # Check if there were any faults encountered during the operation.
    # We find this by checking if the fault member of the result object
    # is set.  If there is a fault, then we can print the detailed 
    # fault text using the faultstring member of the result object.
    if (defined $scheduleSoapResult->fault && $scheduleSoapResult->fault) {
        confess("SOAP request failed:\n" . objdump($scheduleSoapResult->fault) . "\n");

    print "Printing the results of the call to the \"get_list\" method of the ARX Schedule interface.\n\n";

    # The get_list() call did not fail, so we build a list of schedule
    # names from the result.  Note that the full result is a
    # concatenation of the result and paramsout members of the SOAP
    # result object.
    my @scheduleList = ($scheduleSoapResult->result, 

    if ($#scheduleList < 0) {
        print("The list of schedules returned from the call to the \"get_list\" method of the ARX Schedule interface was empty.\n");

    # get schedule configuration from API
    print "Calling the \"get_configuration\" method of the ARX Schedule interface.\n\n";

    # Build a security header
    $securityHeader = getSecurityHeader($user, $pass);

    # In addition to printing the list of schedules, we can actually
    # use that list to retrieve configuration information
    # for all of the schedules using the same list by calling
    # get_configuration().
    $scheduleSoapResult = $scheduleSoap->get_configuration(SOAP::Data->name('schedules')->value(@scheduleList), $securityHeader);

    if (defined $scheduleSoapResult->fault && $scheduleSoapResult->fault) {
        confess("SOAP request failed:\n" . objdump($scheduleSoapResult->fault) . "\n");

    print "Printing the results of the call to the \"get_configuration\" method of the ARX Schedule interface.\n\n";

    my @scheduleConfigs = ($scheduleSoapResult->result, $scheduleSoapResult->paramsout);

    foreach my $scheduleConfig (@scheduleConfigs) {
        my $name = $scheduleConfig->{'name'};

        print "----------------------------------------------\n";
        print "Schedule: ", $name, "\n";
        print "----------------------------------------------\n\n";

        print "name: ", $name, "\n";

        my $description = $scheduleConfig->{'description'};
        print "description: ", $description, "\n";

        my $duration = $scheduleConfig->{'duration'};
        print "duration: ", $duration, "\n";

        my $start_time = $scheduleConfig->{'start_time'};
        print "start_time: ", $start_time, "\n";

        my $stop_time = $scheduleConfig->{'stop_time'};
        print "stop_time: ", $stop_time, "\n";

        my $interval_type = $scheduleConfig->{'interval_type'};
        print "interval_type: ", $interval_type, "\n";

        my $interval = $scheduleConfig->{'interval'};
        print "interval: ", $interval, "\n";

        print "\n";

sub get_status
    # Get a list of schedules configured on the ARX.
    print "Calling the \"get_list\" method of the ARX Schedule interface.\n\n";

    # Build a security header 
    my $securityHeader = getSecurityHeader($user, $pass);

    my $scheduleSoapResult = $scheduleSoap->get_list($securityHeader);

    # Check if there were any faults encountered during the operation.
    # We find this by checking if the fault member of the result object
    # is set.  If there is a fault, then we can print the detailed 
    # fault text using the faultstring member of the result object.
    if (defined $scheduleSoapResult->fault && $scheduleSoapResult->fault) {
        confess("SOAP request failed:\n" . objdump($scheduleSoapResult->fault) . "\n");

    print "Printing the results of the call to the \"get_list\" method of the ARX Schedule interface.\n\n";

    # The get_list() call did not fail, so we build a list of schedule
    # names from the result.  Note that the full result is a
    # concatenation of the result and paramsout members of the SOAP
    # result object.
    my @scheduleList = ($scheduleSoapResult->result, 

    if ($#scheduleList < 0) {
        print("The list of schedules returned from the call to the \"get_list\" method of the ARX Schedule interface was empty.\n");

    # get schedule status from API
    print "Calling the \"get_status\" method of the ARX Schedule interface.\n\n";

    # Build a security header
    $securityHeader = getSecurityHeader($user, $pass);

    # In addition to printing the list of volumes, we can actually
    # use that list to retrieve status information for all of the volumes 
    # using the same list by calling get_status().
    $scheduleSoapResult = $scheduleSoap->get_status(SOAP::Data->name('schedules')->value(@scheduleList), $securityHeader);

    if (defined $scheduleSoapResult->fault && $scheduleSoapResult->fault) {
        confess("SOAP request failed:\n" . objdump($scheduleSoapResult->fault) . "\n");

    print "Printing the results of the call to the \"get_status\" method of the ARX Schedule interface.\n\n";

    my @scheduleStatuses = ($scheduleSoapResult->result, $scheduleSoapResult->paramsout);

    foreach my $scheduleStatus (@scheduleStatuses) {
        my $schedule = $scheduleStatus->{'schedule'};

        print "----------------------------------------------\n";
        print "Schedule: ", $schedule, "\n";
        print "----------------------------------------------\n\n";

        print "schedule: ", $schedule, "\n";

        my $status = $scheduleStatus->{'status'};
        print "status: ", $status, "\n";

        if (exists $scheduleStatus->{'previous'}) {
            my $previous = $scheduleStatus->{'previous'};
            print "previous:\n";

            my $prevRunTime = $previous->{'run_time'};
            print " run_time: ", $prevRunTime, "\n";

            my $prevEndTime = $previous->{'end_time'};
            print " end_time: ", $prevEndTime, "\n";

        if (exists $scheduleStatus->{'current'}) {
            my $current = $scheduleStatus->{'current'};
            print "current:\n";

            my $curRunTime = $current->{'run_time'};
            print " run_time: ", $curRunTime, "\n";

            my $curEndTime = $current->{'end_time'};
            print " end_time: ", $curEndTime, "\n";

        if (exists $scheduleStatus->{'next'}) {
            my $next = $scheduleStatus->{'next'};
            print "next:\n";

            my $nextRunTime = $next->{'run_time'};
            print " run_time: ", $nextRunTime, "\n";

            my $nextEndTime = $next->{'end_time'};
            print " end_time: ", $nextEndTime, "\n";

        print "\n";

sub remove
    print "Please specify a schedule name:\n\n";
    chomp(my $schedule = <>);
    print "\n";

    print "Calling the \"remove\" method of the ARX Schedule interface with the following parameters:\n\n";
    print "schedule: $schedule\n";

    # Build a security header 
    my $securityHeader = getSecurityHeader($user, $pass);

    my $scheduleSoapResult = $scheduleSoap->remove(SOAP::Data->name('schedule')->value($schedule), 

    # Check if there were any faults encountered during the operation.
    # We find this by checking if the fault member of the result object
    # is set.  If there is a fault, then we can print the detailed 
    # fault text using the faultstring member of the result object.
    if (defined $scheduleSoapResult->fault && $scheduleSoapResult->fault) {
        confess("SOAP request failed:\n" . objdump($scheduleSoapResult->fault) . "\n");

sub objdump
    my ($obj, $indent) = @_;
    my $content = '';

    if (!defined $obj) {
        return $content;

    if (!defined $indent) {
        $indent = '    ';

    my $type = ref $obj;

    if (!defined $type || $type eq '' || $type eq 'SCALAR') {
        $content = $content . $indent . $obj . "\n";
    elsif ($type eq 'ARRAY') {
        foreach my $node (@$obj) {
            $content = $content . objdump($node, $indent);
    else {
        my $key;
        my $value;

        while (($key, $value) = each %$obj) {
            my $type2 = ref $value;
            if (!defined $type2 || $type2 eq '' || $type2 eq 'SCALAR') {
                $content = $content . $indent . "\'$key\' => $value;\n";
            else {
                $content = $content . $indent . "\'$key\' => {\n";
                $content = $content . objdump($value, $indent.'    ');
                $content = $content . $indent . "}\n";

    return $content;
Updated Jun 06, 2023
Version 2.0

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