Perl example of deploying an iApp application service

Problem this snippet solves:

This is a perl script showing an example of how to deploy an iApp application service using iControl.

Code :


# This is an example of how to deploy an iApp service using the f5.http
# template. It'll almost certainly require some customization before it's ready
# to be more than an example.

use warnings;
use strict;

use SOAP::Lite;
use iControlTypeCast;

# customize these lines to use your BIG-IP and a working account
my $sHost = "bwb-local";
my $sUID = "admin";
my $sPWD = "admin";

# These variables are specific to the f5.http template as it was written for
# BIG-IP v11.1 and for a specific configuration. They need customized for
# however it is that _you_ want to provision the application service that
# results from this script. Entries to this array represent answers to the
# questions that an iApp template asks a user (that are not tables, but see
# below for those).
my $scalar_vars = [
        name => "analytics__add_analytics",
        value =>; "No"
        name => "intro__analytics_provisioned",
        value => "not_provisioned"
        name => "intro__wam_provisioned ",
        value => "not_provisioned"
        name => "intro__is_viprion",
        value => "false"
        name => "analytics__analytics",
        value => "No"
        name => "ssl_encryption_questions__offload_ssl",
        value => "No"
        name => "basic__addr",
        value => ""
        name => "basic__port",
        value => "80"
        name => "basic__snat",
        value => "No"
        name => "basic__need_snatpool",
        value => "No"
        name => "basic__using_ntlm",
        value => "No"
        name => "server_pools__create_new_pool",
        value => "Create New Pool"
        name => "server_pools__reuse_pool_name",
        value => "/Common/test-pool"

        name => "server_pools__create_new_monitor",
        value => "Use Monitor..."
        name => "server_pools__reuse_monitor_name",
        value => "/Common/http"
        name => "server_pools__lb_method_choice",
        value => "round-robin"
        name => "server_pools__tcp_request_queuing_enable_question",
        value => "No"
        name => "optimizations__lan_or_wan",
        value => "LAN"
# This probably needs left empty
my $list_vars = [];
# This is where variables go that represent APL table widgets. Again, the values
# present are just samples for the example - you'll need to change these.
my $table_vars = [
        name => "server_pools__servers",
        column_names => [
        values => [

# Leave this alone unless you have good reason to change it. It takes care of
# the HTTP auth as part of SOAP.
sub SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client::get_basic_credentials {
        return "$sUID" => "$sPWD";

# Acquire a handle to the portion of the iControl schema that lets us manipulate
# iApp services and tell Perl's SOAP engine where to go.
my $aso_handle = SOAP::Lite
        -> uri('urn:iControl:Management/ApplicationService')
        -> proxy("https://$sHost/iControl/iControlPortal.cgi");

# Actually make the 'create' call. If you wanted to deploy more than one service
# at a time, you would just add parallel entries to each of the arrays.
my $response = $aso_handle->create(
    SOAP::Data->name( apps => [ "my_http_test" ] ),
    SOAP::Data->name( templates => [ "f5.http" ] ),
    SOAP::Data->name( scalar_vars => [ $scalar_vars ] ),
    SOAP::Data->name( list_vars => [ $list_vars ] ),
    SOAP::Data->name( table_vars => [ $table_vars ] ),
# If all goes well, nothing will be printed - but otherwise show the user what
# went wrong.
print $response->faultcode, " ", $response->faultstring, "\n" if $response->fault;
Published Mar 08, 2015
Version 1.0

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