pyControl Node Alert

Problem this snippet solves:

Synopsis: This code will iterate over a list of pools and populate a webpage listing down nodes only, per pool. You'll need Python2.5, cgi, and a webserver to get this all done. Apart of the main code is a blacklist program which allows you to edit a list of pools you wouldn't otherwise want to monitor.*

How to use this snippet:


  • Copy contents of cgi-bin and www files to their respective places.
  • Apache will need to be configured for CGI, with .py extensions enabled.
    • The apache2 user, (www-data) will need read/write perms to black.list in the www directory.
  • Both and will need to be configured. You'll want to add username/password (readonly is plenty) and the IP of your f5 to each respective script.
  • You'll need to add your own bar.png and orangex.png


Code :


import os, sys
from time import asctime
from socket import gethostbyaddr
import pycontrol.pyControl as pyControl

# David C. Isom #
# RR Bowker LLC #
# August 2008   #
#    BIG IP CONFIG     #
host = ''  #
username = 'readonly'  #
password = 'readonly'  #

print "Content-Type: text/html\n"
print "F5 Status\n"
print ""
print "F5 Node Status  -",asctime(),""
print "Blacklist"

# these get cached on the box anyway(linux)   
def nslook(ip):
                output = gethostbyaddr(ip)
                return output[0]
                output = "Host_Name_Not_Found" 
                return output

def blackcheck(poolName):
        blackFile = open("/var/www/black.list", "r")
        while True:
                line = blackFile.readline()[:-1]
                if len(line) == 0:
                if str(line) == str(poolName):
                        return True

# Create object and bitbucket the wsdl messages
sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, "w")
b = pyControl.BIGIP(
        hostname = host, 
        username   = username, 
        password   = password, 
        wsdl_files = ['LocalLB.Pool', 'LocalLB.PoolMember']
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ 

# quick object recreation
p = b.LocalLB_Pool
m = b.LocalLB_PoolMember

# get work done
poolDown = 0 
poolList = p.get_list()['return']
status = m.get_monitor_status(pool_names = poolList)['return']
combined = zip(poolList, status)
for x in combined:
   # Check the blacklist
   if blackcheck(str(x[0])) == True:

   incr = len(x[1])
   while incr > 0:
      currentStatus = x[1][incr - 1]['monitor_status']
      if currentStatus == "MONITOR_STATUS_DOWN":
         address = x[1][incr - 1]['member']['address'] 
         hostName = nslook(address)
         if poolDown == 0:
            print ""

         print ""

         poolDown = 1

      incr -= 1

   if poolDown == 1:
      poolDown = 0
      print "
"+address+" "+hostName+"
" print ""
Published Mar 09, 2015
Version 1.0

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