Python Virtual Server and Pool Creation

Problem this snippet solves:

A simple script to add and delete both Virtual IPs and Pools in: Python

Code :

import requests, json, time

# define program-wide variables
BIGIP_ADDRESS = 'test-ltm-03.element.local'
BIGIP_USER = 'admin'
BIGIP_PASS = 'admin'


VS_NAME = 'test-http-virtual_python'
VS_PORT = '80'

POOL_NAME = 'test-http-pool_python'
POOL_LB_METHOD = 'least-connections-member'
POOL_MEMBERS = [ '', '', '' ]

# create/delete methods
def create_pool(bigip, name, members, lb_method):
payload = {}

# convert member format
members = [ { 'kind' : 'ltm:pool:members', 'name' : member } for member in POOL_MEMBERS ]

# define test pool
payload['kind'] = 'tm:ltm:pool:poolstate'
payload['name'] = name
payload['description'] = 'A Python REST client test pool'
payload['loadBalancingMode'] = lb_method
payload['monitor'] = 'http'
payload['members'] = members'%s/ltm/pool' % BIGIP_URL_BASE, data=json.dumps(payload))

def create_http_virtual(bigip, name, address, port, pool):
payload = {}

# define test virtual
payload['kind'] = 'tm:ltm:virtual:virtualstate'
payload['name'] = name
payload['description'] = 'A Python REST client test virtual server'
payload['destination'] = '%s:%s' % (address, port)
payload['mask'] = ''
payload['ipProtocol'] = 'tcp'
payload['sourceAddressTranslation'] = { 'type' : 'automap' }
payload['profiles'] = [ 
{ 'kind' : 'ltm:virtual:profile', 'name' : 'http' }, 
{ 'kind' : 'ltm:virtual:profile', 'name' : 'tcp' }
payload['pool'] = pool'%s/ltm/virtual' % BIGIP_URL_BASE, data=json.dumps(payload))

def delete_pool(bigip, name):
bigip.delete('%s/ltm/pool/%s' % (BIGIP_URL_BASE, name))

def delete_virtual(bigip, name):
bigip.delete('%s/ltm/virtual/%s' % (BIGIP_URL_BASE, name))

# REST resource for BIG-IP that all other requests will use
bigip = requests.session()
bigip.auth = (BIGIP_USER, BIGIP_PASS)
bigip.verify = False
bigip.headers.update({'Content-Type' : 'application/json'})
print "created REST resource for BIG-IP at %s..." % BIGIP_ADDRESS

# Requests requires a full URL to be sent as arg for every request, define base URL globally here
BIGIP_URL_BASE = 'https://%s/mgmt/tm' % BIGIP_ADDRESS

# create pool
print "created pool \"%s\" with members %s..." % (POOL_NAME, ", ".join(POOL_MEMBERS))

# create virtual
create_http_virtual(bigip, VS_NAME, VS_ADDRESS, VS_PORT, POOL_NAME)
print "created virtual server \"%s\" with destination %s:%s..." % (VS_NAME, VS_ADDRESS, VS_PORT)

# sleep for a little while
print "sleeping for %s seconds, check for successful creation..." % SLEEP_TIME

# delete virtual
print "deleted virtual server \"%s\"..." % VS_NAME
delete_virtual(bigip, VS_NAME)

# delete pool
print "deleted pool \"%s\"..." % POOL_NAME
delete_pool(bigip, POOL_NAME)
Published Mar 09, 2015
Version 1.0

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  • I would like to use ipv6 address for virtual server, but i'm having hard time to figure out how to do it. Just replacing address and mask with ipv6 address and mask in example doesn't seem to work. There's guide for this somewhere?


    EDIT: Oh, port number is separeted with dot.. nvm.


  • how can I print the configs to a text file, I would like to apply the configs manually.


  • Both would be fine, I would like to create up to 4 virtuals and review the config and then manually paste it. The costumer makes the request and we build the configs.