Release Announcement: F5 Python SDK v1.0.0

Release Announcement

06 July 2016

We are pleased to announce the release of v1.0.0 of the F5 Python SDK. This is the first stable release of the SDK.


This release is not backwards compatible because support for aliased resources has been removed. This means that

x = y.create(...)
 no longer changes both
.  Instead, x is the created configuration object and
 is a creation factory.

The release also incorporates several important bug-fixes, noted below. 

Release Highlights

The following bug-fixes are included in this release. Most importantly, the SDK now allows a minimum BIG-IP® version of `11.5.0` and has no maximum version.

* #523 Add support for ltm.data_group 

* #491 allows all versions >= 11.5.0 by default

* #492 fix the sys ntp resource

* #411 calling `create` and `load` on Resources now returns a new instance of the relevant resource (a factory pattern); this fixes an aliasing bug

* #497 New API endpoints for GTM datacenters and iRules

* This release fixes multiple type-errors in the concrete subclasses.

* #533 Turns off `_check_generation` because it is buggy.

* #521 migrate clustering to support non-aliased pattern

See the changelog for the full list of changes in this release.

Open Issues
See the project issues page for a full list of open issues in this release.

- The F5 OpenStack Product Team and F5 Python SDK Contributors

Updated Jun 05, 2023
Version 2.0

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  • The python SDK is based on which version of python?--Python 2.7.x or Python 3.4.x?


  • Could be possible to get simple examples of authentication using this library? I've hit several issues when trying to use it as explained in your examples, as the SSL library built in on Python 2.x lacks support to manage SNI.


    And to properly handle certificate validations you need to start calling urrlib3.PoolManager() and addressing http.request('GET'...) and http.request('POST'...) and the like.


    Which it is supposed you should not need to do with this library.


    On the other hand, trying to use Python3 took me to a scenario where the F5 library is calling the urlparse module, which has been renamed in Python 3 to urrlib.parse. My Python 3 interpreter can't find it, so this F5 library can't be used with Python 3 as it is today.


    Or may be I am missing something...


    Thanks so much in advance.


  • could you provide specific details on what you are trying to do? For example, are you trying to connect to a BIG-IP through an IP that is hosting multiple SSL fqdns?