Update / Modify a Traffic Group of a Virtual Address using F5-SDK

Problem this snippet solves:

I have an Active-Active LTM Deployment.

Virtual Servers ( and Virtual Addresses ) are split between two units. I am trying to use F5-SDK to update traffic group so that VS/VA will move between two units.

How to use this snippet:


Python : 3.6
F5 SDK : 3.0.20
LTM : 12.1.2 HF2

Code :

from f5.bigip import ManagementRoot
import sys

# This will update a traffic group on a virtual address on the same bigip

# Vars
New_BigIP_IP = ""
Virt_Addr = ""
Traffic_Group = '/Common/traffic-group-2'

# Connect
f5_mgmt = ManagementRoot(New_BigIP_IP, username, password)

# load Virtual Address
v_a_info = f5_mgmt.tm.ltm.virtual_address_s.virtual_address.load(name=Virt_Addr,partition='Common')

# Verify if traffic group needs to be updated
if v_a_info.trafficGroup == Traffic_Group:
  print ("Traffic groups are same - no need to update - \nexiting ... ")

#Capture the Old Traffic Group
Old_Traffic_Group = v_a_info.trafficGroup

print("\nOld Traffic Group : {} \nNew Traffic Group:}".format(Old_Traffic_Group,Traffic_Group))
input("Press any key to Continue.. ")

# Update the New Traffic Group

print ("== Traffic Group has been updated ==\n")

Tested this on version:

Updated Jun 06, 2023
Version 2.0

Was this article helpful?


  • I have enhanced the above code that will allow you to change a traffic group to any or all Virtual Addresses on a LTM unit.


  • from f5.bigip import ManagementRoot
    import sys
    from random import randrange
    from pprint import pprint
     This module will read all the Virtual Servers from the bigip unit and create a dictionary e.g;
     VIP-name, IP address and Traffic-Group assigned
     VIPs_dict = { 'vs-client1.company.com-http':'['','Traffic-group-1'],
     Contributor : mshoaib@paciolan.com
     Python : 3.6
     F5 SDK : 3.0.20
     LTM : 12.1.2 HF2
     Requirements :
     1. Create a folder name "data" in the same directory where this script will run. It will be used to save the current config
     2. Update the Variables section below according to your environment
    def save_traffic_group_config(traffic_group_config):
       This function will save the current traffic groups config to a file
       This will create a file name "traffic_group_config_"
      new_file = open("data/traffic_group_conifg_"+str(randrange(1000)),'w')
      new_file.write("\n{}\t{}\t{}".format('Virtual','IP','Traffic Group'))
      for key in traffic_group_config.keys():
      print ("\nCurrent Virtual Addresses Traffic Group config have been saved ....")
    def modify_traffic_group(virtual_server_name,virtual_address,bigip_mgmt):
       This function will take a name of virtual server and switch its traffic group from 1 to 2 OR 2 to 1
       Assumption : You have two traffic group named a) traffic-group-1 b) traffic-group-2
       Load a Virtual Address
      virt_address_info = bigip_mgmt.tm.ltm.virtual_address_s.virtual_address.load(name=virtual_address, partition='Common')
      print ("{} traffic group is {}".format(virtual_server_name,virt_address_info.trafficGroup))
      response = input("Type Y or yes to Change or  to Skip ... ")
       User Input to proceed
      if response.lower() == 'yes' or response.lower() == 'y':
        print (" Traffic Group Changed ")
        print (" No Change ")
      if virt_address_info.trafficGroup == "/Common/traffic-group-1":
        new_TG = "/Common/traffic-group-2"
        new_TG = "/Common/traffic-group-1"
       Update the Traffic Group for that particular virtual server name / virtual address
     Variable Section
    BigIP = "BigIP"
    BigIP_username = "admin"
    BigIP_password = "admin"
    cur_virtuals_info = {}  Empty dict to collect Virtual Server Name, IP address & Traffic Group
    tmp_virtual_address = []  it will store the IP of Virtual Addresses and help to avoid duplicates
     Connect to BigIP
    f5_mgmt = ManagementRoot(BigIP, BigIP_username, BigIP_password)
     Gather Virtual Address and Virtual Server info
    virt_addrs = f5_mgmt.tm.ltm.virtual_address_s.get_collection()
    virt_srvs = f5_mgmt.tm.ltm.virtuals.get_collection()
     Fill up the Current Virtuals info
    for v_s in virt_srvs:
      for v_a in virt_addrs:
         Compare Virtual Server IP and Virtual Address ( also an IP ) and if same then grab the traffic group and feed into the dict
        if v_a.name == v_s.destination.split('/')[2].split(':')[0]:  Match the IP address
          if len (cur_virtuals_info) == 0:
             Enter the first value in as is
            cur_virtuals_info[v_s.name] = [v_s.destination.split('/')[2].split(':')[0],v_a.trafficGroup.split('/')[2]]
             save the virtual address in tmp list to compare and avoid duplicates
             Check if virtual address already exisit, if yes then skip
              if v_s.destination.split('/')[2].split(':')[0] in tmp_virtual_address:
                 Virtual address already inserted, skip insertion
                 Insert the Virtual Server / Address into the dict and in the temp list for comparison
                cur_virtuals_info[v_s.name] = [v_s.destination.split('/')[2].split(':')[0],v_a.trafficGroup.split('/')[2]]
     Save the current Config
    for k in cur_virtuals_info.keys():